Page 78 of The Rebound

"Is there a point to this call, you mofos?"

"Yeah, don’t screw it up," Knight growls.

"Screw what up?" I pad out into the main cabin and toward the small galley where a buffet has been laid out. I ignore the food and pour myself a cup of coffee.

Cade jumps in. "Your chance at happiness, you dumbass. Not that I'm a proponent of marriage. But you’ve been mooning over this girl for years—"

"So have you."

He blinks. "Ex-fucking-cuse me."

Ha, got ya, asswipe.

"You’ve been carrying around a torch for this woman and you haven’t bothered to acknowledge it, so don’t preach unless you can follow what you teach, and all that."

"Huh? Do I know what you two are talking about?" Knight lowers his eyebrows. "Anyone I know?"

"Yes," I say at the same time Cade growls, "Nope."

"Which one is it?" He glances between the two screens with our faces.

"It doesn’t matter." Cade walks into what looks like a dressing room. "Wankface here is trying to distract us by drawing attention away from him." He places the phone on a bench, then begins to strip.

"Fuck, I could do without the sight of your arse filling the screen."

"You showed me your pecker. Only fair I up the ante."

Knight groans. "I did not get on a call with the two of you to be treated to a display of your private parts. Trust me, I get enough of that from my fellow team members."

"It’s what happens when the three of us are so strapped for time that the only time we get to meet is when one or the other of us is getting undressed."

Cade carries the phone with him into the shower. "I have five minutes to get clean and join the team manager for a press conference, which is why I jumped on the call, by the way."

"And here I thought it was because your week wasn’t complete unless you jumped on a call with the two of us," I scoff.

"That, too." He switches the phone to his other hand. "Other than my sister, you two are the only family I have. The least I can do is get on a weekly call with you guys. Even if it means I have to suffer through the puppy dog eyes of Mr. Lovesick here."

"That’s it, I’m gonna sign off—" I begin, but Knight cuts me off.

"The press-conference, what’s it for?"

Cade hesitates, then, "Not much. You’re looking at the new Captain of the English cricket team, is all."

"Knew it. Congratulations, douchebag," Knight says warmly.

"For once you’re being almost modest. It must mean a lot to you, huh?"

Cade glances away, which, in itself, is unusual. The man’s ego rivals mine, if that were possible. He's hiding something.

"It’s a culmination of everything I’ve worked for since high school," he murmurs.

"It’s fucking great news. I’m chuffed for you." I hold up my fist, and Cade virtual bumps it.

"It’s brilliant." He cracks his neck. "Of course, it’s only the beginning."

Knight laughs. "Of course."

"World domination and all that, huh?" I can’t hold back the tinge of sarcasm coloring my words.