Page 70 of The Rebound

"She’s still young; she could do with a helping hand."

"That’s why I’ve deputized you to stay here as her bodyguard."

"She doesn’t need a bodyguard; she needs a—"


"A friend."

"I’m not a friend." I rotate my shoulders. "I don’t have her best interests at heart."

"That’s why you bought out a chain of bookshops, so she could buy her books in peace? Then paid upfront for controlling interest in a restaurant so you could take her to dinner without any eyes on the two of you?"

I narrow my gaze. "James Hamilton is a friend. His restaurant is solid. It’s a good investment.”

"You did it for her, and you know it."

"If that’s how you choose to interpret it, I can’t stop you."

He glares at me. "You’re being an ornery douche-wipe. Also, you’re running scared."

Now, he's really starting to piss me off. "Me? Running scared? You must be mistaken."

"So, that’s not why you’re creeping away at"—he checks his watch and raises one eyebrow—"at 6 a.m.?"

"I always planned to leave early in the morning. Which reminds me, it's getting late."

He scrutinizes my features. "You’ve made up your mind?"

I set my jaw.

"You’re going to lose her, and only then, will you realize the mistake you’ve made by leaving her. By then, it might be too late."

I straighten and look ahead through the windshield. "You can’t lose what you never had."


Two weeks later


"There you are!" Olivia exclaims. "I’ve been trying to reach you for so long."

"Sorry, sis, I’ve been busy. New career and all that, you know."

She purses her lips. "You’ve been too busy to text me and tell me you’re okay?"

"I’m telling you now, I’m okay." I paint my mouth with the gloss, then smack my lips together. "In fact, I’m off for my first recording today."

"The recording of your first song?"

"It’s only a demo, but yeah, I’m recording it." I can’t stop the grin that stretches my lips.

"Whoa, that’s amazing." Olivia’s smile matches mine in intensity. My sister really is happy for me. She’s always supported me. Well, as much as she could, considering she wasn’t always around when I was growing up. She managed to escape our family at the right time and, clearly, marriage suits her. Not that I begrudge her. She knew what she wanted early on and went after it. She had the courage to fight for her convictions, to never give up, and to follow her dreams. And as a result, she has succeeded. That's something I wished I could have done then... Something I’m doing now, thanks to Declan.

"How’s the acting career going?"

Her smile widens more. "It’s slow, but I’ve landed a new talent agent who believes in me. Regardless of whether I’m scarred or not."