Page 68 of The Rebound

"Solene?" He looks down at me from his much taller height. "Last chance. If you want to leave, then do it now."

I slowly shake my head.

"You want to stay?"

I nod.

"If you do, I’m taking your arse."

I shiver. Goosebumps crop up on my back. My pussy clenches, even as my hindbrain warns me of the repercussions of not leaving. Run, now. No. I will not run. I want this. I want to feel alive. I want to feel everything he’s going to offer me. After being caged for so long, I’m finally free. "I want you to."

His eyes flash. The next moment, he spins me around. The plates and cutlery on the table hit the floor with a crash. I flinch. The next second, he applies pressure at the small of my back. I bend, pressing my cheek into the table. He wrenches my arm behind my back, then the other, then shackles them with his thick fingers. Before I can react, he kicks my legs apart. Cool air strikes my center. Moisture oozes out from between my pussy lips, and I moan.

"Fuck, you’re loving this, aren’t you, Rabbit? Your cunt is still swollen from earlier, you carry my marks on your butt-cheeks, yet you can’t wait for me to shag you."

A moan spills from my lips. My lower belly spasms. My core quivers. He scoops up the cum that trails down my inner lips and smears it around my puckered hole.

Instantly I clench.

"Relax, baby—or not. It’s only going to hurt more if you don’t."

I blow the hair out of my face and stare at him.

He smirks. "That got your attention, huh?"

"I’m beginning to remember why I hated you all those years ago."

"You never hated me. You were attracted to me. You couldn’t keep those big doe eyes of yours off of me from the moment we met."

I stare at him, and he holds my gaze. For a few seconds we’re engaged in a face-off, then I look away. “You’re right. From the moment I saw you, I couldn’t look away. There was something about you that told me you were important to me. That you were going to play a leading role in my life. Which is probably why, when you whipped me, I orgasmed. Despite the fact that my mother caned me—”

“Hold on, your mother caned you?”

I jerk my chin up. “The night we met… I’d jumped out the window of my room and decided to walk the beach because I’d been caned earlier. Those marks on my—”

“Palms. The one’s I asked you about. You told me you got them from sliding down the tree.”

I raise a shoulder. “I wasn’t about to admit I got a walloping from my mother for behaving badly.”

“Behaving badly?” He frowns.

“She caught me reading smutty books and lost it.”

His shoulders seem to swell. A pulse throbs at his temple. “She whipped you because she caught you reading your spicy books?”

“I know, a bit much, huh? I was only fourteen, so I know I shouldn’t have been reading it. And she was worried I was going to get corrupted and that I’d get ideas about boys and—shock, horror—I might even sleep with one of them and lose my virginity—”

“Instead, you lost your virginity to me,” he says in a strange voice. His gaze narrows. Those gorgeous blue eyes of his turn a deeper shade of indigo. That’s the only indication he’s turned on, because his expression is one of anger, but also, frustration.

“I wanted it to be you.” I tip up my chin.

“Whatever the reason, it was wrong of her to cane you,” he growls.

“Butyoucan whip me, huh?”

He chuckles. “Ah, but that's with your consent." He grows serious. "Only I can hurt you. Only I can touch your skin. Only I can order you to obey me, to do as I command.” His gaze intensifies. “You belong to me, Rabbit, you understand? You are mine!” His chest rises and falls.

A thrill engulfs me. My core quivers. When he goes all possessive, it’s the most erotic thing ever. Better than reading about my book boyfriends, and th-a-t’s the biggest compliment ever.