Page 58 of The Rebound

I let go of the whiskey glass and rise to my feet. "In all honesty, I’m not sure. Maybe I’m not ready—"

"Oh, you’re ready."

"Maybe I’m not a relationship kind of guy."

"You’re the man who hired a private jet and surprised your grandmother on her birthday. You’re a relationship kind of guy."

"Gee, thanks for shooting down my excuses," I snap.

"You’re welcome." I can hear his smirk in his voice. "You—"

"You hiding, Beauchamp?" Rick walks into the den, then pauses when he sees me on the phone. I wave him forward, put the phone on speaker. "Guess who—"

"Rick, you fucker!" Knight booms.

"How’s it going there with you, arse-wipe?” Rick drawls.

Knight draws in a breath, "It’s… going."

The tension in his voice is evident. I frown. "Everything okay? The enemy troubling you guys?" I ask.

"It’s coming to a head. I’m expecting to be pulled up for a mission soon.”

“You sound worried.” I frown.

There’s silence, then Knight barks out a laugh. “Not more than usual. But enough about me, how’s it going with you two? Not tired of seeing your face up on the screen yet, pretty boy?”

I smirk. “I’m an actor. I love seeing myself on screen.”

“At least he’s honest about it.” Rick chuckles.

“And you, Rick? Has going private been everything you thought it would be?”

“The money’s much better.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Can’t say I don’t envy the action you and your team get to see.”

“Action?” Knight scoffs. “At the moment, it’s all waiting around for the orders to come through.” His voice grows pensive. “Never know when the other shoe is going to drop.”

Rick exchanges glances with me, then turns to the phone. “Whoa, you not getting enough pussy? Is that why you sound so... repressed and lonely?”

His ploy at distraction works, for Knight laughs. “That’s one area where I don’t have any complaints. You, on the other hand, I believe have been having trouble getting it up, hmm?”

"Eat shit, douchebag,” Rick growls.

"Fuck you, too, with knobs on,” Knight retorts.

Rick smiles widely "Your parents are definitely related, you son of a—"

"Okay, jeez, it must be true love that has you two trading such sweet endearments," I butt in.

"If you prefer, we can spend the time insulting your scarred-yet-pretty face, but my call time is too precious. Also, I need to call my sister, so au-revoir, motherfuckers." Knight disconnects the call.

“Was it me or did he sound more preoccupied than usual?” I scowl at the phone.

“He definitely sounded like he had a lot on his mind. Not unusual. Sitting around waiting to hear what his next mission is going to be about can’t be easy.”

“Yeah,” I rub the back of my neck. “Not that it’s the same but waiting around between shots on set can be tedious, too.”

"Course, anytime you want to break the monotony with a fight—” Rick slams his fist into his palm.