Page 56 of The Rebound

"I’m nothing like that." I try to pull away, but he holds me in place.

"You will listen to me."


He glares at me, and a shiver oscillates down my spine. That pulse within my belly is a full-blown pressure pit that seems to draw every emotion I hold in my body. I stare at him, unable to move, transfixed by the authority written into the angles of his face. I’m mesmerized by the force of his dominance that forms a force-shield around us. A cloud of heat seems to spool off of him and slam into my chest. I gasp.

He’s going to subjugate me, control me, hold sway over me, influence me. He’s going to make me bend to him, and I will… Just, not yet. My breath comes in uneven waves, I dig my knees and my palms into the table for support, then shake my head.

His gaze widens. "The fuck was that?"

"I—" I clear my throat. "I’m not giving in to you."

"You will."

"Maybe, but right here, right now, I’m issuing a challenge to you."

His eyes gleam. He cants his head, and the movement is so like that of a predator that my arms and legs tremble. My heart is racing so hard, I’m sure he can hear it. The pulse thuds at my temples.

Strange, it’s the fact that I’m looking into those laser sharp eyes of his that anchors me and gives me the confidence to say, "You’ll never make me submit."

"And when I do?"

"You won’t!”

His lips curve. Those white teeth of his flash. "Game on!”

A ripple of apprehension runs down my spine. My stomach flip-flops. A heavy pulse descends between my legs, and I know then, I shouldn’t have challenged him. I wasn't thinking clearly. If I had been I would have realized the chase is what excites the beast in him; or maybe, I did. Maybe I knew that about him from our earlier interactions. Maybe I wanted to turn our encounter into one he wouldn’t forget easily. I want to stand out amongst the women he's met. I wanted to earn back his respect, his trust, even. I set my jaw. "It’s not a game,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Everything is a game, baby. And when I win—and I will win—you will do everything I want. You will become the perfect little submissive. You will yield to me and allow me to make you mine."

"Make me yours?"

He blinks, then scowls. "I mean, you will defer to me in every aspect of your personal life."

"And my singing career?"

"That’s not within the scope of our agreement."

"So, only my non-professional life?"

"I don’t repeat myself," he drawls.

I look between his eyes, then nod. "And if I win?"

"You won’t."

"What if I do?"

"What do you want?" He smirks. Jerkface is so confident, huh? We’ll see how that goes for you, Mr. SmirkyPants.

"Then, you’ll do whatever it is I want."

He raises a shoulder. "It won’t come to that, so… Yeah, sure, what-fucking ever."

I hold out my hand. "Deal?"