Page 34 of The Rebound

"Have you been crying?" he demands.

"What’s it to you?"

"Have you, Rabbit?"

I wince. "I wish you wouldn’t call me by that nickname."

"You resemble a very uncertain rabbit right now, one trying to hide from the world by locking yourself up in the bathroom and feeling sorry for yourself."

I brush the wetness from my face. "I’m not feeling sorry for myself."

"Hmph." I sense him continuing to appraise my features. "Want to talk about it?"

"Want to let go of my chin?"

"You first." His grip on my chin is unyielding. The angles of his body settle into a pattern that tell me he intends to wait me out.

"We’re going to be late," I point out.

"Our appointment can wait."

I swivel my gaze in his direction, and at once, those hypnotic blue eyes snap on mine. Mistake, mistake. Now I won’t have a choice but to tell him about my fears. When he looks at me with his all-seeing eyes, I can never hide anything from him. "That’s a very influential person you’re talking about," I say softly.

"Don’t change the topic, Rabbit."

I blow out a breath. "I’m nervous, okay? I’ve never sung in front of an audience before."

"Eh?" He seems taken aback. "When I saw you on the beach, you were singing aloud."

"To myself, with the waves for company, not to mention those jerk faces who decided it would be fun to jump me."

"And me," he reminds me.

"A-n-d you," I agree.

"Do you want me to tell you again how fresh and different your voice is? Is that what this is about? If you’re looking for an ego-boost..."

"I’m not, you douchebag. I’m simply telling you why I’m out of sorts. I’ve only sung in front of my family or in the shower before this.”

“In the shower?” His eyebrows knit.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “My family forbid me to sing in front of strangers, so yeah, the only way to get practice was to sing in front of them or when I was alone, and I much preferred to do so when I was on my own.”


“So?” I slap my palms on my hips. “So, this will be my first audition, youpezzo di—"

He glares at me, and I slap my lips together. Fine, maybe that particular insult in Italian is a step too far, but he deserves it. He holds my gaze for a second longer then nods. "Fine then, let’s practice before we leave." He releases my chin, but I’m too shocked to move.

"Eh, wh-what do you mean?"

"You’re nervous. You think you haven’t practiced enough. You’re not sure how you’re going to sound, so go on, sing."

He steps back, leans a hip against the wall and says, "Go on, then."

"Piss off," I snap.

"For a sheltered Mafia princess, you sure have a colorful vocabulary."