Page 32 of The Rebound

The color fades from her face. She gulps, looks to the left, then the right. Well, she’s not going to find any help there.

I take a step toward her. She yelps, then pivots and races back in the direction of the house.Scamper along, little rabbit, there’s no place for you to hide that I can’t find though.I prowl past the swimming pool and back to the main house. I hadn’t carried my phone with me, hoping to carve out a little more time offline, but that’s at an end now. I head inside, my bare feet slapping on the hardwood floor. I snatch up my phone and video call Rick.

"Declan?" He picks up on the first ring.

"A pap got a picture of us—"


"Me and Solene."

"Ah." He smirks.

"What was that 'ah' for?"

"Nothing boss, just a figure of speech."

"The fuck you calling me boss? You served with Knight. I trust you as much as my closest friends. It’s why I took on your company to provide my security detail."

"And insisted I become your bodyguard."

"No one else I’d trust with her life."


"No, stop there. No more. There was a paparazzi—"

"I’m on it."

I blink. "You are?"

"Have eyes everywhere, and one of my men is already chasing him down as we speak. So, you want me to become her security detail after this?"

"You go where she goes."


I scowl. "Okay, had enough with your sound-effects. You have something on your mind, man?"

"Me? Of course, not. Maybe it’s your guilty conscience—"

"The fuck would I have a guilty conscience for?"

"Do you have a guilty conscience?"

"Fuck you, man!"

He laughs. "Keep your shirt on. If I didn’t fuck with you, Knight would never forgive me."

"Speaking of, have you heard from him recently?"

His features shadow. "Not in the last week."

"Hmm,” I stroke my chin, "Let me know when you do. By the way, you ever going to share what your real name is?" Ever since Knight found out Rick’s real name and was sworn to secrecy by him, it’s been Cade's and my mission to find this out.

"You ever going to share why you decided to bring a young, innocent girl with you to LA?"

I scoff, "Innocent, my arse. You have no idea who she really is."