Page 173 of The Rebound

He freezes, then slowly shakes his head. “You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to give in to me. I know I can be persistent and controlling and dominant and—”

“An alphahole.”

“And I’m sorry for everything but that last one.”

A-n-d there he is. A fierce rush of... pleasure? Need? Hope? All of it fills my chest. “Just as I was getting worried about you, too,” I murmur.

He raises his gaze to mine, and once more, those blue eyes which have always seen through me, and known me, and recognized me, capture mine.

“I’m still me. There’s no getting away from that. But I’m going to change for you. I’m going to make sure my actions show you how much I love you. That I can’t live without you. You’re my breath, my soul. My very being is you, and if you die, my soul will die with you.”

A tear slides down my cheek, mirroring the one that trails down his face. I tug on his hand, and he leans in until his nose bumps mine.

“I love you.” He looks between my eyes. “Only you. Always you. Forever you. Let me do this for you, baby, please.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Always. You’ll always have a choice, except”—his gaze intensifies—“when it comes to safeguarding your life, and when it comes to our bed.”

Oh my god.I choke out a laugh, and more tears roll down my cheeks.

He raises his head and kisses first one eyelid, then the other. “Your sight is mine.” He kisses my nose. “Your breath…” Then my lips, my chin, the pulse that flutters at the base of my throat. “Your breath is mine.”

He raises his head and looks deeply into my eyes. “Your body is mine, baby.” He reaches between us and cups the flesh between my thighs through the hospital gown. “Your pussy is mine. Your heart, your soul—”

He releases my hands and places his palm on my breast. “Your gorgeous tits, your very breath, your every thought, your hates, your discomfort, your stutter, your quick temper, your beautiful voice, your gorgeous eyes, your soft skin, your heart, your soul, your every touch. Your hopes. Your every dream. They are mine. Mine. Mine.”

His. His. His.

"You’re crazy," I say softly,

He nods. "For you."

My lips twitch. "And obsessed."

"Never claimed otherwise."

I squeeze my eyes shut, then open them. "This is insane. The doctors made it clear that the person donating the kidney has a more difficult time than the one who receives it.” I hold up my finger. “Reduced life-expectancy, for one."

"I’d rather lead a shorter life with you in it than a longer one without you. I’ve already told you that my life is nothing without you being part of it, baby. I live for you. To be with you."

"Then, there’s nerve damage, chronic pain—"

He raises a shoulder. "All of it is a small price to pay to see you well and happy. And on your feet."

“But you’re hurt.” I stare pointedly at the bandage that peeks up from under the neckline of his scrubs.

He scoffs, “It barely hurts. Nothing is going to stop me from donating my kidney to you.”

“The medics might say otherwise.”

“Like I’d let them.”

My lips quiver, and I manage to keep them from curving into a smile. "It’s going to mean your dream project is delayed," I murmur.

"Woman, haven’t you heard a word of what I’ve been trying to tell you? All that matters is you."

Once more, he brings his face close to mine, until we share breath. "I thought working on this film and taking on this role—which could have finally made me the highest-grossing actor in Hollywood—was the culmination of all my dreams, but I was wrong. My most important achievement has been meeting you, knowing you, seeing you blossom into the incredibly talented artiste you are, watching the world recognize your potential, embracing my love for you. I have loved you from the moment I met you. You’re it for me. You’re the only woman for me, baby. Since I saw you, there’s been no one else but you. It’s only ever been you."