Page 149 of The Rebound

His smirk widens. "Am I succeeding?"

"Of course not." Not that I’d ever admit if I were, which I’m not. Okay, I might be a little. But I’ve read enough about the act in my spicy books to know it might be a little painful, but ultimately, the orgasm I get from it is going to be much more intense.

"Good." He closes the distance between us until that gorgeous scent of his wraps around me, along with the heat of his body which, together, is doing funny things to my insides. He cups my cheek. "You’re incredible, Solene, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you agreeing to star in my movie."

I take in the genuine emotion in his eyes, the softness around his lips as he holds my gaze. Despite everything, why does it feel so right to finally be on the same side as him? "Why are things between us always so complicated?" I place my hand on his.

"If things had been too simple, we might not have appreciated how right it feels to finally do this together."

His thoughts echo mine, and again, I shouldn’t be surprised. Underneath all that push-pull, we’ve always been on the same wavelength. Largely.

"So, what’s next?"

"Now, we head out there and tell your manager that we are together. Then, we let ourselves be spotted around town, all casual-like."

"So, we let the speculation build?"

He nods. "Meanwhile, we get through the shooting. Closer to when the movie is done, then we do a more formal video of the two of us together."

"Which will help with the launch of the movie."

"You okay with that?"

"I’m not surprised you have it all planned out, but somehow, I wish things were a lot more spontaneous between us."

He flashes me a grin. "I got you covered there."

I blink. Whoa, that full-wattage smile of his is so rare. It transforms his face and hits you straight in the solar plexus. My heart does a funny jump in my chest. Also, there’s something a little mean about that smile that I don’t quite trust. "What are you cooking up?"

"More like what do I have vibrating up?"

"What do you—" There’s a buzzing between my butt cheeks. I jump. Then squeeze down on the thing that’s going a thousand miles a second in the most intimate of my spaces. The oscillations streak out. There must be a direct connection to my clit, which throbs and swells. My pussy lips clench which, in turn, pushes me to bear down on the damn thingy, which restarts the cycle all over again.

"Oh, my god, this is—"

"Spontaneous enough for you, baby?" He looks closely at me, trying to discern just how much it’s affecting me.

"Not quite what I had in mind." Another whimper boils up. I bite down on the inside of my cheek to stop it from escaping. "How long do I have to wear this?"

"Until I allow you to remove it."

"Which is when?"

"When I let you."

"But you’re going back on set—"

He shakes his head. "I’m not."

I still. "So, it’s you and me under one roof again?"

"It’ll reinforce the story we’re together."

"Convenient for you, huh?" I scoff.

His gaze grows intense. "Convenient for both of us that you never moved out. I wonder why that is, Rabbit? Why is it that, despite making enough money to afford a space of your own, you stayed?"

I hunch my shoulders. "It seemed more sensible to save the money I’d earned—which by the way, wasn’t enough to buy a home.”