Page 125 of The Rebound

It also gives me a reason to be far away from everyone I know. Including her.

He drags his fingers through his hair, so it stands up further. "There have been no demands made. No word from the other side as to whether he and his team are alive or not."

I rub the back of my neck. "Where did the flight go down?"

"They lost touch close to the border of Ukraine and Russia. He was part of a discreet team of British military personnel sent on a recon mission to Russia."


He nods. "It’s not looking good."

"He has to be alive. That bastard is hard to kill. He’s been on dangerous missions before and survived. Remember how he went missing in the Middle East?"

"And resurfaced three weeks later." His jaw tightens. "It’s been longer this time."

“He’ll get through this. He’ll be back.” He has to. I need to believe in it.

Both of us fall silent for a few seconds then I rub my neck. "I wish there was something I could do. It feels wrong to be out here, working on my film instead of putting my efforts into finding him."

"What you can do is stay focused on making this movie. It’s what you’ve worked toward your entire life. Knight wouldn't want you to take your focus off it now."

I bark out a laugh. “A movie that’s stalled again.”

“Again?” He frowns.

“This time, the financiers—not the Soloniks—want her to star in the movie with me. Apparently, our joint star appeal outweighs the clout I carry on my own.”Whatever I do, there’s no getting away from her presence in my life.

He looks at me with a strange expression. "I could have sworn you loved her."

When I stay silent, he nods. "I see."

"I didn’t say anything,” I growl.

"You don’t need to. You broke her heart, you dickhead.”

I shuffle my feet.

"You do realize, it’s time for you to make amends?” he says slowly.

I hold up my hand. "Let me guess. You want me to go all emo and 'fess up what I did, and then, you’re going to give me the kind of advice JJ, Michael and Sinclair gave you."

His lips quirk, then he shakes his head. "Nope."

I stare. "You’re not?"

"I’m not, because I have a feeling whatever you did is not something she’s ever going to forgive you for, even after you grovel."

I thrust out my chest. "I made my choice, and I’m going to see it through."

"But at what cost? You stand to lose the love of your life and your career."

"Not if I can help it."

He looks closely at me. "What are you planning, Declan?"

