As our eyes meet, hers are still hazy. Her cheeks are more flushed now than before and her breathing comes faster the longer she looks at me. “No, I’m not. Neither are you. Let’s get you inside.”
“Wolf, I need—”
“I know, Mads. But there’s one thing we need to get real clear first.”
She frowns before she blinks hard and yanks her hand out of mine. “Oh. Right. How worthless I am and how you’re all going to get bored of me in no time.”
“That’s not true,” I say as I shove the door open and lead her directly to the fireplace in front of which I knotted her the last time we were here. The memory makes my cock swell even further and I groan.
Even though she’s not holding my hand anymore, she trails after me and sits down heavily on the thick rug as she watches me pack the timber for the fire. A few seconds later, the first flames are flickering, and I drop to my ass to sit in front of her.
“First things first,” I say, reaching for her hands and squeezing them. “You misunderstood what you heard. That’s not what we think of you, Maddison. Kaz was quoting his mother. If you’d started eavesdropping a second earlier or stayed a second longer, you’d have known that.”
She narrows her eyes at me. “So, this is my fault?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” I drag in a deep breath, cursing when it fills my very soul with her scent. What was I saying?
“You don’t think I’m worthless?”
I shake my head, remembering. “You’re everything to us, Mads.Everything.”
“Wolf and Tai were going to break our pack bonds for you,” Kaz says as they enter the room, faces red and chests rising and falling fast, but they’re here. They made it at a run. A full sprint, I’m sure.
A fact for which I plan on taking credit in every one of our workout sessions from now on. Let them fucking complain that I’m pushing them too hard again…
I’ve known the prince half my life and I’ve never seen him in as much agony as I see reflected in his eyes when he says those words out loud. I felt it through our bond before, when we first told him the plan, but I see it now, amplified by everything else that’s going on as he falls to his knees beside her.
“As soon as I allowed myself to admit the truth, I was willing to abdicate for you,” he says quietly. “I still might have to, depending on how it all plays out, but the point is that Wolf isn’t lying when he says you’re everything to us.”
“You have to believe us,” Tai implores her as he sits down behind her and pulls her into his lap. “Please believe us.”
She moans and burrows into him, her ass pressing into his crotch as her lids flutter closed. His desire shoots like an explosion through the bond, so strong that Kaz lets out a quietoof. Don’t get me wrong, the desire’s been there all along, but it was simmering on the backburner while we did what we had to do.
It’s not on the backburner anymore, though.
“I believe you,” she whimpers, her eyes closed as she rests her head back against his shoulder. “I still have the card. I believe you.”
The card?I don’t know what she’s talking about, but I don’t care. I’ll buy her a hundred cards if it means she really does believe us. And apparently, it does, because she reaches for Tai’s hand and moves it to the waistband of her pants.
It dawns on me then that she changed out of the dress before she left the palace. And it saddens me that she left even that behind. The dress. Her little nest. She really was planning on going. On leaving. For good.
Thank fuck we found her before she did.
Tai’s fingers disappear into her worn yoga pants, and her lips part as she breathes out a sigh of relief when his hand moves under the fabric. His eyes are closed now too, his breathing choppy as his gorgeous face scrunches in concentration.
Maddie mewls and whines, the sounds hitching with broken breath as Tai fucks her with his fingers until she screams her release as we all watch, and then I’m on my feet and shucking my clothes. We need to get this show on the road before I lose it without even being touched. I feel the same feral desire coming from Kaz as he hastily unbuttons his shirt, his mouth slightly open as he watches Tai lay Maddie down.
Alphas, start your engines. Shit is about to get very real in here, and although I hate knowing she’s in pain, I can’t say I mind that the four of us are going to be holed up in here together for however long it takes to get her through this.
I look at each of my packmates in turn and I can see the same feeling reflected in their eyes. It doesn’t matter what’s going on outside these four walls. None of us will leave her until she’s through this.
I wentto say goodbye to the horse. I don’t know why. One minute, I was tossing all my stuff into my bags and running out of that godforsaken hellhole of a palace and the next, I was rushing into the stables, a hazy memory of my first encounter with Wolf there replaying in my mind as my body rebelled against itself.