When I reach the staircase,I go down instead of up. Now that I’ve realized I’m not ready to head back to our quarters yet, I’ve decided to head into town. It frustrates Kaz immensely when I do this, but since I’m as frustrated with him right now, I’m going to do it anyway.
I reach the bottom of the stairs, opening the door just a crack before heading into a corridor that runs along the back of the palace. It’s used mostly by the serving staff. Although a few might be up and busy, most will have retired for the night by now.
My luck holds as I hurry down the hall, through one of the many kitchens, and slip out the back door. As soon as the crisp night air washes over my face, I inhale slowly.
To be fair, I could’ve walked out using the front door, but if I did, a contingent of bodyguards would’ve followed. Which is not what I want tonight. I realize it’s for my own safety, but the pub I’m going to isn’t far from here.
It’s seedy as hell, but I like it, and no one there poses any danger to me. They know who I am, but they really don’t care. I don’t get treated any differently from any of the other patrons, and I definitely don’t need an army of bodyguards to join a friendly poker game.
Keeping my head down, I stride to a pedestrian gate in the perimeter fence and enter the passcode to get out. The hinges creak quietly when I push it open. I glance left and right, checking that no one heard before I slide out, and then, I’m finally on my way.
The sidewalks are empty, but I keep my head down regardless. I’m no stranger to walking these streets at night, but exercising caution has become a constant necessity since I formed a pack with everyone’s favorite royals.
A small wooden sign tacked into the stone building is the only indication that a pub is coming up. The sign is so faded from decades in the sun that the wordsThe Randy Toaddon’t have any color anymore, but I’m grateful for it.
It means that few people who aren’t regulars ever stumble in here. As I push open the nondescript door and step inside, the scent of stale beer and desperation envelops me like a warm hug.
A few old-school, green lamps hang overhead, but aside from tacky lights behind the bar, that’s the only light in here. No one takes much notice of me as I stride up to the packed bar counter, though those who do see me acknowledge me with curt nods.
That’s it, though. There’s not a single autograph-seeking, selfie-taking fan in sight, and I fucking love it. The barkeep is a codger named Bob—his real name—and he flashes me a yellow-toothed grin as he bends over to swipe a beer from the fridge below the counter.
“Tai,” he says as he sets it down before jerking his head to the side. “They’re in there. Just got started if you want to join ’em.”
“Thank you.” I drop a bill on the counter to pay much more for my beer than it actually costs, but I value Bob’s discretion. If he wanted to, he could’ve told the press ages ago that we frequent this place, but he hasn’t.
He’d have been able to afford a new sign and a whole lot more if he had, but he’s never made me feel like he’s considered it. That’s definitely worth large tips as far as I’m concerned.
Leaving me now that he’s handed me the beer, he heads over to continue the conversation he was having with another codger before he saw me. With my drink in hand, I walk to the door he motioned to and tap out a rhythmic knock as I push it open.
Walking into the smoky room beyond, I smile as I nod at the three men gathered around the table. Dave stubs out his cigar and waves me closer. “I was wondering when you would turn up. Come on, then. I’ll deal you in.”
The chair doesn’t make a sound on the aged carpet beneath it as I pull it out and sit down. Dave picks up the deck of cards he was shuffling when I walked in. Turner glances at me, a cigar clenched between his teeth.
“You lot have brought madness to the world with this dating ordeal, mate. ’Spected to see you day one. It’s got to be crazy at the palace right now. Thought you might want to escape.”
I chuckle. “I’ve wanted to, but I haven’t been able to get away. You’re right. It’s chaos.”
Same as with Bob, I’m very aware these men could’ve sold me out years ago. Obviously, they haven’t done so, either. In all the years I’ve joined them on occasion for their nightly poker games, they’ve learned enough about me that they’d get paid handsomely for their stories. Though I know they need the money, they haven’t leaked a single word of what’s been said in here.
It’s not exactly a private room. Anyone is allowed in and the door is only closed for the smoke, but I still feel safe when I’m here.
Turner sighs as he looks at the cards he’s been dealt, then he tosses a quid into the middle of the table. “I bet you’ve been busy. Bet Wolf’s been busy too, what with all those Omegas begging for his knot.”
My jaw grinds, but I shake my head. “It’s not like that.”
Dave arches a disbelieving brow at me, the pronounced grooves on his forehead deepening as he lowers his chin. “It’s not? Why not? If it were me, I’d have been taking advantage of the situation.”
“Are we playing cards or gossiping like old hens?” Alfred snaps before glancing at me. “No offense, mate, but I don’t give a shit what’s happening over at the palace.”
“None taken. Let’s play some cards.” As I pick up my cards, I will myself to relax. I got out of the palace, and now I’m here. I should be able to shut it all out for a couple of hours. I usually can, but tonight, it’s not so easy.
Maddie’s scent must be clinging to me or something, because I can’t stop thinking about her. Every time I blink, I see that carefree smile that was on her face earlier. I hear those giggles echoing in my ears. I wasn’t aware she’d struck a friendship with Antonio, but it makes sense that she would.
We haven’t met him before, but regardless of what his family has been through recently, he’s an easygoing, sassy, and witty Omega once he starts opening up. From what I’ve seen, he’s also smart as a whip and surprisingly genuine, just like her. I should’ve known they’d get along.
Stuck in my head, I lose the first two hands, but then it starts going better. After I’ve beaten the trio a few times, I smirk at them. “Should I go see who else wants to play? I like a challenge, and it’s like you guys haven’t even shown up tonight.”