Page 15 of Selection

I huff out a breath.

Well, if I don’t blackmail the prince, perhaps I can at least bring it to his attention that the Crown and their Government are bloody useless in this regard.

I mean, I’d have to phrase it better, but it’s the thought that counts.

Mum and I make idle chitchat about what we think the palace and the royals within will be like. Then she says good night and leaves me to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow. Once again though, I toss and turn for a long time. I’ve barely drifted off when my alarm clock starts blaring.

Groaning as my arm shoots out to silence it, I roll over and promptly fall right out of bed, landing with a dull thump on the floor.Ooff!

Pain shoots through my already injured hip. When I finally open my eyes, I realize I fell because Kevin crawled into bed with me during the night and is currently doing his best impression of a starfish, which once again left me with frightfully little space. Regardless of the pain and the rude awakening, I smile when I look at his little sleeping face.

His unruly dark hair is matted, and his delicate features are relaxed. His chest rises and falls evenly as he snoozes, regardless of the alarm and my fall.

I’m going to miss him so much.

“Maddie,” Mum calls up the stairs, surprising me since it hasn’t happened in so long. “They’re going to be here soon, honey!”

When I glance at the clock, I realize she’s right. I must’ve silenced it a bunch of times because now, I’ve got all of fifteen minutes before the RTD driver will be here to pick me up. Racing to the bathroom and through a quick shower, I thank the rare foresight I had to lay my outfit out last night and rush through getting dressed. It’s nothing special, but it’s the nicest long sleeved shirt I own and a hand-me-down skirt from Mum.

I’ve barely pulled my hair up when Dad calls out from below this time. “There’s a fancy car outside, Maddie. Is that for you?”


I run back to my room to grab my ancient suitcase—the kind we used way before the wheeled ones. Then I kiss Kevin on the forehead before heading downstairs. My little brother is still sleeping, but it’s better this way.

Saying goodbye to Mum and Dad is hard enough. I’m quite sure saying goodbye to him would’ve killed me. As it is, I’m crying again when my parents envelop me in their arms, murmuring their well wishes and goodbyes before I’m rushed into the backseat and the door is closed, forcing me to watch my parents wave through the tinted windows as they floor it out of the rough area of town as quickly as they came.

The driver smiles excitedly in the rearview mirror once we’ve left Fen Road behind us. “There will be more formal paperwork for you to sign this morning. Mr. Mitchell will be there to help you with it. After that, you’ll be headed to London with a palace chauffeur!”

More paperwork?That seems impossible after everything I signed yesterday, but lo and behold…

At the Academy, Mr. Mitchell, Headmistress Hartigan, and even Clara are waiting for me. Mr. Mitchell is the only one who seems faintly happy to see me as he gets up to shake my hand when I walk into Hartigan’s office.

“Good morning, Maddison. Sleep well?” He doesn’t wait for me to respond before he sits me down and pushes another pile of paperwork toward me. “Just a few more things and then we’ll be off. I’d like to start with the NDA and then…”

I tune him out as I stare at the document at the top of the pile and the words NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT written in bold, capital letters screaming at me from it.Well, there goes the midnight idea to sell my story or write a book about this to capitalize on the experience to see my family fed for years to come.


I sigh, but once he’s taken me through the content, I sign on the dotted line. When I’m done, I look up to find both the headmistress and Clara glaring at me. Mr. Mitchell must notice me frowning at the latter because he suddenly explains the reason for her presence.

“Clara is here as your Class President. The press will want an interview with you before we leave, but they’ll also want to interview a friend. Since we couldn’t find one…” He gives me an apologetic smile as he trails off. I close my eyes.

I wonder what horrible things she’ll say about me. But since there’s nothing I can do to stop it, I simply resign myself to being smeared in the press.I suppose I should probably get used to it.

With the world watching my awkward, clumsy self interacting with royalty, I’m sure a bunch of unkind things will be said about me before this is over.

When I’ve signed the last of the papers, Mr. Mitchell gets up. “I’ll go tell the cameraman you’ll be out in a moment so they can be ready for you.”

Oh yes, the televised exit from normal life. No doubt they’ll also film my first steps on the palace grounds.

My stomach flutters, but I tell myself from here on out I’ll pretend they aren’t there. It’s better that way. If I try to make myself look a certain way, it’ll one hundred percent just wind up looking like I’m constipated.

“I’d like a word with her before she leaves,” Ms. Hartigan says suddenly before turning to Clara. “Would you mind watching Ms. Darling’s belongings while Mr. Mitchell speaks to the press?”

Surprisingly, Clara agrees graciously and exits behind Mr. Mitchell, leaving me alone with the stern-faced headmistress. Once the door closes behind them, she leans back in her chair and raises her chin, literally looking down her nose at me.

“We don’t have long, so I’ll get straight to the point,” she says primly. “Do not embarrass the school, Ms. Darling. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to behave for just a couple of days. I don’t expect you’ll be there much longer than that, so keep your head down and do your best to represent the school in a good light during your stay.”