Fury unlike anythingI’ve ever felt rips through me, coursing hot and heavy through our bond from the others as well. As we race out of the queen’s quarters, none of us say a word. We don’t have to.
We just run.
As fast as we can.
Find her. Find her. Find her.
The mantra echoes through my mind with every smack of my feet against the tiled corridor. When we reach the end of the hall, Tai goes left and Kaz goes right, so I keep going straight. Splitting up might not be the best idea, but it needs to be done.
Find her. Find her. Find her.
Our Omega is gone, and she’s probably going into heat. I’m not sure if she’s been through an unsuppressed heat since she first presented, but probably not.
When Tai, Kaz, and I went through our first rut together, I’m pretty sure I’d have died if they hadn’t been there to help me through it. Hell, even with them there, I felt like I was dying at times.Good God, it wasnotthe most fun I’ve had with my clothes off, I’ll say that much.
Not only is it not fun, however, it’s downright dangerous. If we don’t find her…
Fuck that. We’re going to find her.
My feet keep smacking against the tiles until I skid to a stop in front of her room, but her door is open and she’s not in there. The problem? Neither is any of her stuff. Her closets look like they’ve been ransacked, hangers strewn around on the floor and the doors hanging open.
Curiously, I do spot some of our stuff on the chaise lounge in the corner. I recognize Tai’s jacket immediately. My tie. Kaz’s embroidered handkerchief. Some other odds and ends like the towel I gave her to dry off at the dowager cottage and an open package of Tai’s favorite tea. Kaz’s…first-aid kit?
For a moment, I just stop and stare. I mean…What the fuck?
But then, slowly, my eyes widen and my mouth turns into the Sahara. She built herself a little nest.And we didn’t know.
We’re fucking idiots, is what we are. We should’ve seen this coming long before we actually did. None of us were surprised to learn about her heat symptoms, but this was happening right under our noses and we didn’t do shit about it.
We—I—should’ve gotten her to a doctor as soon as I realized her scent was getting stronger and stronger. Instead, I told myself she was on suppressants and left it at that.
Frankly, I don’t know how this is possible. It shouldn’t be, and yet here we are. None of this matters right now, though.
The only thing that matters is finding her. Satisfied that she’s not in her chambers, I turn and run back out into the hall, looking up and down, but there’s still no sight of her.
Huffing out a breath, I rack my brain for where she might’ve gone. The next obvious answer aside from her chambers is her parents’ cottage, but an Omega going into heat wouldn’t run to her folks. She’d go…Where, Wolf? Think!
I meet back up with the others outside of the palace, but judging by Tai’s clenched-fist pacing and Kaz’s muscles being wound so tight that he’s practically vibrating, they haven’t found her either. “She’s not inside?”
“Nope,” Kaz bites out. “Mary hasn’t seen her either.”
“Her stuff is gone,” I tell them dejectedly, wondering if maybe, we really are too late.
Tai stops pacing at my words and spins toward me. “Gone?”
I nod. “Cleared out. Where to next?”
“The stables,” Kaz says decisively. “It’s closer than the clearing and the archery field, though we’ll check those if she’s not at the stables.”
As one, we take off running again, flat-out sprinting as we head toward the horses. Kaz is right. We haven’t officially bonded with her or anything, but she is ours. It makes sense she might’ve gone someplace that reminds her of us and the stables are closest to the palace.
I beat the others there, my feet surer on the path than theirs as I round the corner and slam to a halt. Because there, on the ground in front of Sergeant Pepper’s stall, is my Omega. Her knees are drawn up to her chest and she’s moaning softly, her hair damp with sweat as she hugs her legs.