Page 92 of Selection

Tai sighs. “Oh, that. I’ve been thinking about it too, and I agree. Whispering in a few ears may not be the worst idea.”

“That’s exactly what I was going to say,” Wolf says. “I know I wasn’t a fan of the idea of leaking it before, but something is making Maddie uneasy. I wasn’t the only one who felt it earlier. We can’t make it official before it becomes official, but it might be nice if she wakes up tomorrow morning to the news that the whole world is talking about a rumor that we’ve chosen her.”

I nod. “That’s why I pulled you out of there. I was planning on going back in there and giving a couple of journalists a few strong hints, but I wanted to talk to you first to make sure you’re still good with us choosing her. Push is coming to shove, gentlemen. If anyone has any doubts whatsoever, now is the time to speak up.”

Tai scoffs. “I haven’t had any doubt for weeks now. Hell, Wolf and I were going to break our bond and leave for her if you hadn’t come around.”

Pain ripples through me again at the reminder of what I might have lost if I hadn’t decided to follow my instincts when I did. After I knotted Maddie that day and she left, I went to find Wolf and Tai. They were waiting for me in the rec room to ask what was going on. After I told them I had chosen her, they were evenmorerelieved than I thought they would be.

A whiskey or two later they revealed their plan to me. I was so shocked that I’d have toppled right over if someone had so much as brought a feather anywhere near me. Frankly, I still am, but it also only served to reaffirm my belief that sheisthe one for us.

I know they wouldn’t have made a plan like that lightly, and honestly, I’m glad I saw reason before they had to follow through. Nothing would’ve been worth anything without them and Maddie by my side—not even the goddamn throne.

“Okay,” I say as determination surges through me. “We need to be careful who we choose to drop these hints to, though. My mother will try to stop us from officially choosing her, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already whispered a few things in a few ears herself.”

“What is herproblem?” Tai asks, beyond frustrated as his eyes narrow and his spine goes ramrod straight. “This is our choice and it always has been. Why can’t she just fucking let us make it?”

“Because according to her, she’s nothing. A worthless, poor Omega with no power and no connections that we’ll tire of eventually, but by then, the mistake will have been made and we’ll have bonded with her.”

A soft noise from around the corner makes us all stiffen and we exchange a horrified look. If the wrong person has overheard this conversation, we may need a new plan—and if that wrong person was Stuart, then we may need to go back into that ballroom and make the announcement right now.

At first, none of us move, all of us tense, and I don’t think any of us are breathing, but then Wolf recovers. He gives me a look to warn me to stay put, then he goes to investigate, but he’s back a second later, shrugging as he jerks his head back.

“There’s no one there,” he says, but he seems uneasy himself all of a sudden. “Let’s get back to the ball and check on her before we start spreading rumors.”

As one, we nod and head back to the ballroom, but Maddie’s not there. Panic rises within me the longer we look without finding any trace of her. When I finally catch a glimpse of the back of Antonio’s head, relief surges through me until I realize she’s not with him.

She was with him before, though. I saw him approach her as I went to round up my packmates.Fuck. Something’s wrong here.

Antonio’s eyes widen when he sees me making a beeline for him, but then he steps around the Alpha servant he was looking mighty comfortable with and the guy takes off. “Kaz? What’s wrong?”

“Where’s Maddie?” I ask urgently. “Where did she go?”

“I, uh, I don’t know,” he says, but then he shifts on his feet and his gaze hits the ground.He’s lying. Motherfucker.

“What is it, Antonio? Now, please. I don’t have time to drag it out of you.”

He looks up again, and he seems uncertain, but then he sighs and shrugs. “Well, you know how she’s been showing symptoms of heat?”

“Of course.”

“Well, I, uh, I told her earlier that she needs to see a doctor, but she said she was fine and that it was the stress. After that conversation with your parents though, she might’ve decided to go see the doc after all. She wasn’t looking so good, you know?”

“What conversation with my parents?” I hiss as my eyes narrow. “And why didn’t you tell us sooner if you suspected she needed medical attention?”

My voice is hostile now and I’m beyond controlling it. I know this isn’t on Antonio. That’s what makes it so much worse. It’s on us. Onme.I did notice that she seemed to be in some discomfort. I did notice the perfume of her scent getting stronger. I did notice how flushed she was. How warm.

I should’ve gotten her medical attention at the first sign of an oncoming heat despite her religious use of suppressants. Damnit. What if she’s sick. What if it’s…

But I can’t think it.

Antonio blanches. “I don’t know much more than you, all right? I just know that her suppressants haven’t been working since she got here. I offered her some of mine, but she didn’t take me up on it immediately and then she told me earlier she’s only been taking half a tablet of mine a day. She was already super stressed about everything, and then after you guys left, your parents came up to us. Your mother said something snippy about Maddie’s dress turning a pauper into a princess, and then she ran off. You should’ve seen her face, though, mate. Her stress levels were high before that conversation, but after…it looked like her heart was about to give out.”

“Where did she go?”

“I don’t know,” he says honestly. “I swear. I thought she was going to find you guys.”

“Fuck,” I mutter, but since I believe him, I spin around and march away to confront my parents. My Alpha instincts are in high gear now that my suspicions about her heat have been confirmed.