I wondered if he was going to try to find some way to undo my selection and trade me in for someone more like Clara Turner…
But then I signed the form and he declared it ‘official.’
“No turning back now,” he joked, leaving me to wonder if refusal had been an option.
Except, I couldn’t refuse. How could I even entertain the idea? Mum was right. There was a clause about compensation for my time. It was minimal, but it would increase the longer I stayed at court. Any money was good money if it meant keeping a roof over my family’s heads a little longer.
It’s almost impossible to believe that after all the cameras, the smiling, and the signing of a dozen documents, it’s very possible my family doesn’t know yet.
When we pull up to my house, the RTD driver interrupts my thoughts when he turns to me with a dubious look on his face. “Is this the right address?”
I glance at our ramshackle little house with its peeling paint, sagging gutters, and long-forgotten flower pots on the porch. “This is the place. Thank you for the ride.”
“Of course.” He hesitates. “Are you absolutely certain this is the correct address?”
I am aware it looks abandoned, but his repeating the question irks me more than it should.
I smile over gritted teeth at him. “This is it.”
Students from the Omega Academies donottypically live in houses that look like they’re a mid-winter sneeze away from collapsing.
“You don’t have to walk me to the door. I’ll be fine from here.”
Once again, he hesitates, but then he nods. “I’ll be by at seven am to pick you up. We can’t be late.”
“I understand. I’ll see you in the morning.”
As soon as I’m out of the car, he speeds away, probably casting furtive glances in his rearview, fearful of being followed. In a ride like that, he probably should be.
I sigh as I trudge up the walk to the front door. Before I go inside, I organize my thoughts. I haven’t had a single moment alone since the announcement was made. My hands are still shaking. Coherent thought left the building when my name was called, and it hasn’t returned yet.
My mouth is drier than cotton left out in the summer sun and yet I know I’ve sweat through both my undershirt and blouse from the anxiety of it all.
After dragging in a deep breath of air, I hold it in my lungs, then blow it out slowly. Feeling a touch more clear-headed but by no means anywhere near normal, I reach for the door handle. I push down, smiling when I experience my first moment of normalcy in hours. My parents aren’t fighting today. Not yet, anyway.
I hear them chatting to Kevin in the kitchen, debating the issue of him wearing a cape to school in the morning. It makes me smile, and I pause in the doorway, wanting to stay in this moment of normalcy for just another few seconds.
The scent of frying onions and potatoes wafts in the air. I inhale it gratefully, feeling grounded by the smell of the simple fare. If we’re lucky, there might be a bit of chicken with it, but it’ll likely only be joined on the plate by a sprinkling of discount cheese.
Following the sound of their attempts to dissuade my little brother, I walk into the kitchen. Mum and Kevin are already seated at the dining table while Dad stands behind the stove. He’s got on an old, stained apron. Dark smudges show under his brown eyes, and his auburn hair sticks up in all directions.
Days-old, graying stubble on his jaw makes him look at least ten years older than his thirty-eight, but he smiles when he sees me walk in. “A bit late, aren’t you? We were starting to worry. Ms. Frampton keep you?”
“Simon,” Mum admonishes warmly. “It wasn’t Ms. Frampton. Today was Selection Day. I’m sure there was a lot going on at the Academy. How did it go, baby? Are we packing to send you to the palace tonight?”
I can’t tell if she’s joking or actually hopeful, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter. Before I can answer her question, Dad frowns. “That was today?”
He turns to me with sympathy already softening his features. Until he sees whatever expression I’ve got on my face. “Maddie? Are you okay?”
“I…yes. Yeah, I’m good.” I stumble the few steps to the closest chair, sitting down as my knees go weak. “Actually,uh, Mum’s right.” I scoff, baffled at the words about to come out of my mouth. “I should probably start packing.”
My family falls deathly silent for a moment. Then they erupt in a mixture of surprise and excitement as soon as Dad drops the spatula he was holding. Oil spatters all over the floor, but he doesn’t seem to realize as he races toward me.
“You were chosen?” he murmurs into my hair as he envelops me in a bear hug. “Omega mighty, that’s…that’s…”
“Unexpected?” I fill in in a mutter against his shoulder.
“Amazing news,” he corrects me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.