Page 68 of Love at First Site

‘Do you remember Rosie, who also works here?’

‘I do. She had a massive crush on Lee, I seem to remember.’

‘She’s got her claws well and truly into him now. Are you OK hearing this?’

‘Yes, Lee and I are ancient history and, as I told you, I was the one that finished things between us. Are he and Rosie together then? I would have thought she was too timid for him.’

‘You’re right. It’s funny really, because when he was mister big, with his flash car and everything, she was in awe of him and barely said a word to him. Now that his circumstances are, shall we say, “reduced”, that’s all gone and she doesn’t think twice about giving him a piece of her mind. Between you and me, I think she’s quite good for him. Not that you weren’t, of course.’

‘He won’t stay here for long, though, will he? He’s bound to have a plan.’

‘Oh yes,’ Nathan laughs. ‘He’s never short of plans, that one. What he’s short of are the means to execute them. After the reason for his lack of interview success dawned on him, he decided that he was better suited to being an entrepreneur and has come up with all sorts of business ideas. Unfortunately, all of them so far have required significant investment. He doesn’t have any money, the bank won’t touch him with a barge pole, and Mum and Dad have made it abundantly clear that they’ve spent all they were prepared to on bailing him out.’

‘What about Rosie’s parents? Knowing Lee, he wouldn’t have thought twice about approaching them.’

‘Right again. He tried to get them to invest in a second-hand car lot idea, but I don’t think they had the kind of sums that Lee was looking for and Rosie nearly ripped him a new one when she found out he’d asked them.’

‘I’m struggling to imagine that.’

‘Like I said, the fact that he’s no longer the rich guy with the flashy suits has made her bold.’

‘And you’re loving all of this, I’m sure.’

‘I wouldn’t say I’m loving it, because he’s my brother even when he’s being an arse, but it’s certainly more peaceful around here without him swaggering around being the big shot. I think this might be your man.’

I turn and come face to face with Christopher Atkinson and, to my surprise, he has Abby with him.

‘I’m so sorry we’re late, Ella,’ he tells me. ‘It’s been a bit of a week and my morning meeting went on longer than I’d anticipated. Have you got a coat with you? I thought it might be nice to sit outside. It’s such a beautiful day and I feel like I could do with some fresh air after being stuck in the office this morning. It also means I can tell you what this is all about without us being overheard.’


‘That’s much better,’ Christopher sighs after his first big mouthful of the guest IPA. ‘I won’t lie, it’s been a tricky few weeks.’

I’m not sure how to respond, or even what he wants, so I remain silent. After another large mouthful, he leans forward and lowers his voice.

‘Tell me honestly, what do you think of Deborah?’

‘She wasn’t the easiest boss I’ve ever worked for,’ I reply as tactfully as I can.

‘Fucking nightmare, more like,’ Abby murmurs. ‘I always hated the bitch.’

‘I’m well aware of your opinions on the subject, thank you, Abby,’ Christopher admonishes her. ‘Ella, would it help you to express yourself more openly if I told you that the reason Deborah has left the company is that I dismissed her this morning?’

So that was his difficult meeting. I’d love to have been a fly on the wall for that one. I am shocked, though; they seemed very close when I went for interview. Once again, I try to keep my face neutral.

‘I can see you’re surprised,’ he continues. So much for my neutral expression. ‘The truth is that some anomalies came to my attention a few months ago, and I’ve been looking into them with the help of a private investigator and a forensic accountant. When she tried to terminate your contract, a number of things came to a head very quickly. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to get in touch, but I needed to go down to Ashford last week and I didn’t think you’d be interested in a conversation while Deborah was still on board.’

‘You say shetriedto terminate my contract, but I can assure you that she was pretty clear about it. She definitely fired me.’

‘There’s a small problem with that,’ he smiles. ‘It’s my company, and I do the hiring and firing, not her. So, as far as I’m concerned, you’re still an employee on the payroll. If, after this meeting, you decide you don’t want to continue working for me, I’ll quite understand and we’ll come to an arrangement, but I hope what I have to tell you will persuade you to stay.’

‘Please hear him out,’ Abby chips in, obviously worried that I’m going to give him a piece of my mind and storm off. Part of me is tempted, but curiosity gets in the way. We’re interrupted by Rosie wanting to take our food order, and she doesn’t look at all pleased to see me. Once we’ve chosen and she’s stalked off towards the kitchen, Christopher leans forward again.

‘What do you know about haulage?’ he asks.

‘I know trucks turn up and deliver stuff, but I haven’t thought about it in much more detail than that, I’m afraid.’ I do know more than that, but I’m keeping my cards close to my chest for now.

‘OK. Most haulage companies charge based on distance,’ he tells me. ‘For a forty-four-tonne articulated lorry, which is what we mainly use, that’s generally just shy of three pounds per mile. Bear with me, there is a point to this. Leeds to Ashford is around two hundred and fifty miles by road, so you’re looking at something in the region of seven hundred and fifty pounds in haulage fees to bring a full load from Williamsons down to your site, plus extra if the driver needs to stop overnight on the way. I gather, from talking to your site foreman, that a lot of your deliveries were incorrect?’