Page 52 of Love at First Site

‘It’s not much of a romance, though, is it?’ she’d replied. ‘Basically, you had a bit of a kiss and then you ran away. More primary school than adult channel if you ask me. I’m not surprised he’s avoiding you. I would, too. For all he knows, you hated the kiss, or you actually find him repulsive. He’s probably massively embarrassed, which is why he can’t be around you.’

‘But it’s created this really horrible atmosphere. I just want things to go back to how they were. If only we’d never kissed!’ I’d wailed.

‘Too late for that now. Just give him some space. I’m sure it’ll be fine.’

The guys all file in for the morning stand-up, and I notice that Noah comes in last, as he has done every day this week. He won’t look me in the eye, and he stands at the back close to the door, so he can make his escape as soon as humanly possible. He looks a picture of misery, and I suspect my expression is a mirror image of his. The guys give their updates, but I’m struggling to focus; all I can think of is Noah and how unhappy he looks. My prediction proves correct and Noah vanishes as soon as the meeting wraps up, but John stays behind, looking a little pissed off.

‘Can I help you with something?’ I ask as he settles himself in the seat opposite me. His expression reminds me a little of the way he looked on my first day, and my heart sinks even further.

‘What’s going on between you and Michael?’ he asks bluntly.

‘Nothing!’ I say, more forcefully than I mean to. ‘What makes you think something’s going on?’

‘Oh, you know, just the little things. Like you being round at his house last weekend, happy as a songbird, and now you’re both moping around with faces like thunder and don’t seem to be able to spend more than a few seconds in the same place. I’m no mind reader, but I’d say something happened. I’m not the only one to pick up on it either. I’ve heard the brickies muttering, and those guys never notice anything.’

I sigh. ‘It’s complicated.’

‘I bet it bloody isn’t. You birds just like to make things complicated so we think you’re all deep and mysterious.’

‘Do you have any idea how disrespectful it is to refer to women as birds?’ I ask him, grateful for the opportunity to change the subject.

‘My use of the English language isn’t the bloody issue here, darlin’. The issue here is that something appears to have gone on between the two bosses, and the whole site is suffering as a result. So, much as I don’t want to, I’ve got to get involved, because someone has to sort the two of you out.’

‘Why are you speaking to me? You could talk to him, man to man.’

‘Tried that. He wasn’t having it.’

‘What did he say?’

‘He told me to fuck off and mind my own business.’

‘Good advice, I reckon.’

‘Believe me, I’d love nothing more than to leave well alone. If you two were acting like grown-ups, I would do. But you’re not. So spill.’

‘Fine. He kissed me.’

‘What, out of the blue? Did he force himself on you, is that it? I’ll have words with him if he did.’

‘No, he didn’t force himself on me. We had a really lovely day out, and then we ended up having a kiss at the end of it, and everything has gone wrong as a result.’

He looks dumbfounded. ‘Is that it?’

‘What do you mean, is that it? Didn’t you hear what I said?’

‘Yeah, you had a bit of a snog. So what? Don’t take this the wrong way – you’re much too young for me – but you’re a good-looking bird – sorry,woman– and he’s a good-looking guy. What’s the problem? Was he no good?’

‘It’s not that. It’s just that romantic relationships between co-workers are a really bad idea.’



‘I’m sorry, but that’s bollocks. Look at Eric and Derek, the sparkies. They’ve been together for as long as anyone can remember, and they’re as happy as can be. Yeah, they bicker all the time, but it’s obvious they’re mad about each other.’

‘Who are Eric and Derek?’

‘I’m not sure I can even remember their real names, I’ve called them that for so long. Eric is called Paul, I think, and Derek is Richard. It might be the other way around.’