Page 71 of Love at First Site

I consider his proposal, but I’m fairly certain I know what I’m going to do. He’s fired the Bitch Queen and offered me everything I could have asked for, and there’s no way I can turn down the offer after the effort that Noah, John, and everyone else on site went to. I feel quite emotional when I think about them all walking off site to support me.

‘I think we can make that work,’ I tell him.


Christopher is initially bemused when Rosie refuses to bring him a bill, so I take pity on him and explain my relationship with the owners.

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ he exclaims. ‘I would have chosen somewhere else if I’d known.’

‘It’s fine,’ I reassure him. ‘They wouldn’t have given us the family discount if they weren’t pleased to see me.’

I still have half a glass of Coke when they leave, so I tilt my head up towards the sun and enjoy the warmth on my face. I’m going to see Noah again, and the thought makes me want to burst with joy.

‘Are you waiting for me?’ a familiar voice asks.

‘Hello, Lee. Nathan told me you were working in the restaurant today. I wasn’t expecting to see you.’

‘Oh, really?’ He’s sneering unpleasantly. ‘You turn up at my family’s pub, and you honestly expect me to believe you weren’t hoping to see me? Why else would you be here?’

‘I had a meeting with my boss, and he suggested having it here. I tried to put him off, actually.’

‘Oh, spare me the bullshit, Ella. What do you want?’

I study him for a moment. I can see he’s tried to maintain his suave appearance, but there are definite cracks showing. His eyes have lost their sparkle, and I’m amazed to see that he obviously hasn’t shaved for a day or two. His expression is oddly triumphant, and I realise that he genuinely thinks I’ve come here just to see him.

‘I don’t want anything, not from you anyway,’ I tell him mildly. ‘I’m just finishing my drink and then I’ll be on my way.’

‘Good,’ he spits. ‘I’m with Rosie now, so if you were thinking of trying to win me back, you’re going to be disappointed.’

I struggle not to laugh. He really is something else.

‘I heard,’ I tell him as I swallow the last of my drink and stand up. ‘I hope you two will be very happy. I have to go now. I have a building site in Kent to run and an amazing man is waiting for me there. Goodbye, Lee.’

I can sense his eyes on me as I stride away, and I can’t help smiling.

As soon as I get home, I send a message to Noah. I would have done it from my car in the pub car park, but I didn’t fancy another confrontation with Lee, so I hurriedly started the engine and drove away. I type:

The Bitch Queen is gone and I am reinstated!

I stare at the screen for a while, waiting for the ticks to go blue, but he must be away from his phone or in the middle of something. I’m nervous; despite Christopher’s assurances, I’m not sure how Noah is going to react. I do know that I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to put things right with him, though.

Mum and Dad are out, and I’m desperate to share my news with someone, so I wander over to Ava’s house. After the traditional fussing over Teddy, we settle in the kitchen and she puts the kettle on.

‘I’ve still got the job,’ I tell her, grinning. ‘I am officially un-fired, with a substantial pay rise, and they’ve made me permanent as well.’

She pauses. ‘Is that good news?’

‘Yes, why wouldn’t it be?’

‘What about that woman who made your life so difficult?’

‘Deborah? She’s gone. Christopher fired her this morning.’

‘Hang on. She fired you and then Christopher fired her? That’s a lot of firing, don’t you think? What was his reason for reinstating you? You don’t think he’s secretly in love with you, do you? Might be worth checking. I expect he’s worth a bob or two.’

‘Stop it! I can’t tell you the details, I’m afraid, because it’s all confidential, but gross misconduct on Deborah’s part probably sums it up.’

‘Are you taking over her job?’