Page 66 of Love at First Site

When Mum finally gives up trying to cajole me into eating more, I retreat to the relative safety of my bedroom. We’re definitely regressing; at one point, she even suggested that I, ‘just take three more mouthfuls,’ which is what she used to say when I refused to eat my vegetables as a child. My mobile phone is on my bedside table, and I notice that I have a missed call from an unknown number. Thinking it might be one of the companies I’ve applied to getting back to me, I press to return the call.

‘Ella, is that you?’ the unmistakeable voice of Christopher Atkinson answers after a couple of rings.

I don’t know what to say. Only Deborah’s voice would be more unwelcome right now. Why on earth would Christopher Atkinson, CEO of the company that just fired me, be calling?

‘Are you there? Please don’t hang up,’ he continues.

‘I’m here. Is this about my P45? Because I haven’t received it.’

‘It’s not. I, umm, need to talk to you about something. I wondered if you would be prepared to meet me.’

‘Christopher, you do know that I don’t work for you any more, don’t you?’

‘I know that Deborah tried to fire you,’ he tells me. ‘But I haven’t processed the paperwork yet, and Deborah is, er, leaving the company soon. This would all be a lot easier to explain face to face, if I can persuade you.’

What to do? On the one hand, I want nothing more to do with Atkinson bloody Construction, but I’m curious about Deborah leaving, and that’s enough to sway me.

‘What did you have in mind?’

‘There’s a pub in East Morton that has a very good reputation. The Farmer’s Arms, I think it’s called. I’ve been meaning to go for ages, but the opportunity has never arisen. Would you consider meeting me there for lunch tomorrow? It will be on me, obviously.’

OK, now I’m in a really difficult position. Christopher isn’t to know that he’s talking about the pub that Lee’s parents own. How would they feel about seeing me? Would it all be massively awkward? At least Lee won’t be there on a midweek lunchtime, I suppose, but it’s not ideal.

‘I’m sure there must be somewhere more convenient for you,’ I tell him. ‘I could come to the office if you prefer.’

‘I think I might be wanting a break from the office. I have what I suspect will be a difficult meeting in the morning, so a change of scenery and a pub lunch will be very welcome. Shall I book a table for twelve-thirty?’

He’s not going to be swayed, and if I’m going to learn anything about the sudden departure of my nemesis, I realise I’m going to have to go along with it.

‘I’ll see you there,’ I say.

‘Excellent. I’ll make the booking now. See you tomorrow.’

* * *

In my eagerness not to keep Christopher waiting, I actually arrive at the Farmer’s Arms around twenty minutes early. I decide to sit in my car until he arrives, but that plan implodes when Lee’s brother Nathan appears, carrying a crate of empty bottles to the bottle store, and spots me.

‘Ella!’ he exclaims when I wind down the window. ‘What are you doing here? You’re not stalking Lee, are you?’

‘No, what makes you say that?’

He looks a little uncomfortable. ‘Umm. Lee told us that you didn’t take the break-up particularly well.’

Of course he’d have reframed it. I should have known.

‘Did he now? What did he say?’ I ask.

Nathan is starting to fidget. ‘He said you were really upset, that you were crying and begging him to let you stay, but he knew he had to do it as it was the right thing for both of you.’

‘So if I told you that’s totally untrue and I actually finished with him?’ I suggest.

He ponders for a moment. ‘That would make an awful lot of sense, now I come to think about it. I never saw you as the hysterical type. So what are you doing here then?’

‘I’m meeting my ex-boss for lunch and I’m a bit early.’

‘Well, come and wait for him at the bar at least. Mum will be delighted to see you. I don’t think she believed a word of Lee’s story from the beginning.’

I follow him inside and it’s like stepping back in time. Nothing has changed. Why would it, I suppose? Nathan offers me a glass of wine, but I turn it down and opt for a Coke instead.