Kat mimics, “Doll face.”
Cute. I purse my lips, trying not to grin.
“Where are you, Archie? I’ve been looking forward to seeing you.”
“You didn’t come to my father’s funeral. So, that’s hard to believe.”
“I was—Oh, Archie! Tsk, you know how it is. I flew in to surprise you. How about a little reunion?”
“I am with my girlfriend. What’s up, Anna? We can chat tomorrow, though you could’ve told me everything over the phone and not bothered coming to Zion.”
“Girlfriend? Oh, my.” She’s overdoing it now. I’m sure Margot had a chat with her and poured all her poison into the info.
Kat tenses up and lifts her chin at the words. I take in her arched eyebrows, beautiful lips, curled in a smirk she can’t hide, the dangerous twinkle in her eyes—she’s really fucking cute when she’s jealous.
And I’m really annoyed that Anna is taking up too much of my time from Kat. “I’m sure you know I have a girlfriend. Though the fact that you came anyway means someone didn’t give you the news the right way.” Fucking Margot.
“Your girlfriend was looking for you.”
“At Cliff Villa.”
There it is.
I look up at Kat, who rolls her eyes.
“What are you doing at my villa, doll face?” I say with as much sweet poison in my voice as Anna’s. I should’ve known she’d try something like this.
“I’m staying here, no? I thought we’d have a good time. Remember the good old times?”
Now I get it—Kat met Anna Reich.
It makes me angry that Anna got to meet her before I could warn Kat. And angry that Anna assumes she has any tie with me still, in fact, fucking furious that she’s playing games with Kat.
“Did you get a lobotomy, doll face?”
“Listen to me.” I take a second to curb my momentary anger. “You have no business in my life. Not personal, not work. Im not sure what you were looking for when you flew here. Wanna have fun—go for it. Go hang out with the others, have a little vacation. You can stay with Margot or get your own suite, but I need you to leave my villa right away. My girlfriend will be back soon, and she’s feisty.”
I smile when Kat shows me the middle finger, chased by a glare. I show her two fingers and wiggle them, chasing it with a wink.
“She’s really possessive,” I carry on, my eyes locked with Kat. “Mad about me. Knows martial arts. I’m not sure how you are still in one piece after running into her at my villa. Kinda a miracle, really.”
Kat’s stare is murderous, and my smile turns into a grin.
“Honestly, I’m glad you are fine,” I keep going, hearing Anna’s huffing on the other end. She doesn’t take rejection well. “Because my lovely girlfriend, well, she is too into me. She doesn’t let women close. So if she didn’t smash your face into that coffee table, you are lucky. God, Anna.” I exhale heavily, dramatizing. “You reallyarelucky. Kat has this violent streak.” Kat hisses something at me and tries to get up, but I only grin and hold her down. “You didn’t touch the coffee table, by the way, did you? It’s her favorite. She goes nuts if anyone so much as sets a finger on it.”
“I am sitting by it as we speak,” Anna says bitterly. “I just set my drink on it. Oopsie!” I would’ve killed her myself right now. “Is that a problem?”
“Well…” I pause for emphasis, locking my eyes with Kat again. “My girlfriend likes to fuck on it. As well as on that couch you are sitting on. Ssssso…”
I hear the sudden movement—Anna jumping off that couch like it’s hot. Kat sucks in her cheeks, hiding a smile.
“So, doll face, do yourself a favor and get out of my place, like, now. You don’t want Katura Ortiz coming back. It won’t end well. Security won’t help you—she’s friends with all of them.Iwon’t help you.” I pause and grin at Kat, who’s still trying to hold back a smile. “After being at my villa, you see her anywhere at Ayana—run. My girl is a loose cannon.”
Without waiting for a reply, I hang up and dial Slate.