Page 62 of Wild Thing

I try not to show my bitterness. I’ve had plenty of women in my life, yet he’s not the first one to tell me I don’t know shit.

“The problem is that I’ve heard how she talks about you, Archer.”

“Isthere a problem?”

“You are both young. I think I have an idea of what you are like with girls. You try to show Kat her place and dominate her. And she won’t budge. That will only spur her competitiveness but will draw her away. So…”


His words dig into me like a fishing hook. The fact that he brings up Kat’s feelings means she’s talked quite a bit about us.

“Step away, Archer. That’s what I’m asking you. If you two are just playing games, leave it.”

Not a fucking chance. Just the fact that he doesn’t know me well and asks me to leave the girl I’ve gone far and beyond to finally have makes me angry.

But I don’t show it. I might not be good at being humble, as per Mr. Fucking Ortiz, but I do know respect.

“You tried to send her away,” he continues, “then changed your mind. Something is going on between you two, besides the good old dating thing. But if you can’t be the person she can trust and rely on, let her go. You have a lot of money and power. It fascinates her. Moneyispower but not strength. IQ is knowledge but not wisdom.”

“I never used money to attract someone. Certainly not Kat. And she wouldn’t go for it. You know it.”

“No. But she’s already too deep in it. And if you don’t feel the same, let it go. Because in no time, you’ll hurt her.”

He’s silent for a while, studying me.

Have at it, Mr. Ortiz.

It’s Daddy protectiveness, I get it. But he is the one who just opened up about his daughter, and I am grateful. And I finally find it in myself to talk.

“I think you should let us take it where it goes,” I say. “We learn from our mistakes, not others, despite what wise men say. Sometimes, mistakes lead to the best things. I learned that through hard work and watching others. I care about your daughter. Care—” I stall, because I haven’t told anyone but Droga how I feel about her. “Careis an understatement.Importantis an understatement. I think you underestimate what’s happening between us and underestimateme. Which is not surprising, considering my reputation.”

A knock at the door interrupts us, and I want to send the person away because I need more time with Mr. Ortiz, but Kat’s smiling face appears in the doorway.

I notice her ripped jeans, something I’ve never seen her wear before. “There’s my girlfriend.” I don’t mean to rub it in Mr. Ortiz’s face, but this time, I say it with even more pride.

Kat grins. “Am I interrupting?”

“Not at all. Talking to your dad.”

“Dad?” She walks around and waves at the screen. “Hi.”

“Hi, Kit-Kat.”

I almost choke in amusement.


“What were you two talking about?” Kat asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Work,” Mr. Ortiz says at the same time I say, “You.”

He doesn’t flinch. Kat narrows her eyes at me in suspicion. I flash her the most charming smile. She doesn’t know that I’ve talked to him more in the last months than I talked to my own dad in the last year.

When I hang up, she walks around the desk like she’s avoiding me. I’ve learned this means she’s being playful.

“So, Kit-Kat, huh?” I drawl, leaning back in my chair and studying her with a smile.

She shoots me a warning glare. “Don’t…”