Page 137 of Wild Thing

We’ve made it! The sound of the waves has never been more beautiful.

Automatic gunshots assault us, bullets whistling at our feet, and send a rain of dirt and pebbles at us.

“Cover!” the guards shout, but a gang of more than a dozen rush at us from nowhere.

The guards shoot, but a body slams into me, sending me down. I kick and slam my fist into whatever tried to attack me, then jump onto my feet and kick another shadow.

Droga is on someone and sends the thug to the ground, then turns to look at me. “You okay?”

A dark silhouette ten feet away from him approaches fast. I don’t need the light to see it’s holding a gun, pointing at Droga.

“Droga!” I shout, reach him in several wide strides, and slam into him right as the shot goes off.

The impact of both of us falling to the ground is painful, piercing me in several places at once.

“Aaaargh!” Kat’s roars, then comes the sound of someone being kicked, a moan, angry, “Fucker.” That’s Kat.

God, this woman is perfection.

I try to get up, but I’m dizzy.

“Dude, you okay?” Droga’s voice is near or above me, I can’t tell. I try to get up but end up on all fours.

“Move! Move!” the guards yell.

“Yeah…” I make another attempt but fall down right away. Something’s not right.

Kat and Droga are on me.

“Archer, baby…”

There’s a flashlight in Droga’s hand. “Fuck.”

“What?” I try to get up and succeed this time, but the sudden sharp pain in my ribs is nauseating.

“You got shot,” Droga says. “Fuck-fuck-fuck! I have a bulletproof vest!” he shouts. “What the fuck, bro?”

“Archer, you’ll be fine,” Kat murmurs with a strange desperation in her voice.

I’m fine, aren’t I? I’m fine.

But there’s that searing pain again, and suddenly, it’s hard to breathe.

“Fuck, I…”

I wanna bend over like I can fold into the pain to make it go away, but doing so hurts even more.

“He’s shot. Fuck, Kai, he’s shot.” Kat pulls her tank top over her head, leaving her only in her bikini, and tries to tie it around my ribs, then rips it in half and finally manages to secure it around my wound.

“I’m fine,” I grunt, taking a deep breath and flinching at the pain somewhere in my abdomen. Callie didn’t shoot me months ago, so now a fucking Savage did.

“Fuck,” Kai exhales, swinging my arm around his neck. “Let’s move. Quick!”

The explosion is so sudden that it sends all of us to the ground again, showering us with dirt and pebbles.

For a moment, there’s only buzzing in my ears, the rest of the sounds muffled. I move my jaw to crack my ears, then shake my head.

“You alright?” The voice is muffled, but I recognize it—Droga’s.