Page 66 of Wild Thing

“I’d like to go with Raven.”

Archer’s eyes turn into slits. “Why?”

I shrug. “I’d like to see what he does there, where he goes, what people he meets.”

“That’s a no. I don’t want you in the places he goes, let alone around the people he deals with.”

Annoying. “Technically, I don’t need permission. I was just informing you.”

“Oh, I see.” Archer stretches time by taking the slowest sip from his coffee cup. “Then technically, I don’t need your permission to fly to the mainland to do whatever I want. I’ll just inform you.”

I rise from the chair. “We are not turning this into a controlled relationship, are we?”

His jaw tightens. “I’m only concerned for your safety.”

“Raven seems fine.”

“You are not Raven. No one is. The guy can see a fly approaching and slice it in the air with a knife before it gets within ten feet from him.”

“I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”

“So you say, wild thing, but I don’t want you in situations where you have totake care of yourself.”

Archer’s stubbornness only makes me more persistent. So the next day, I show up on the beach again. I’m wearing cargo pants, a tank, and boots, my hair tied in a bun at the back of my head, and sunglasses shading my eyes though it looks like it’s about to drizzle.

I count minutes. At twelve sharp, Raven walks out onto the beach and heads for the docks.

“Hi!” I wave from the distance as I trot toward him.

He nods. Doesn’t stop. Doesn’t look away from me though.

“I’m coming with you to Port Mrei,” I say as I start walking next to him, barely keeping up. He’s taller than me, though not as tall as Archer, and he moves much faster without seemingly any effort.

“You are not.”

If he could talk any less, I’d think he was mute.

“I want to go. I’ll just hang around when you do what you do.”

“Did Archer give clearance for this?”

“Since when does anyone need clearance to go to town?”

“That’s a no then.”

“So, let me get it straight,” I say hurriedly as we approach the docks. “You can do favors for the elites, delivering whatever their illegal indulgences require, without Archer knowing, but taking me with you for a ride requires his approval?”

Yep, I’ve done my homework, collecting rumors here and there.

Raven turns slowly to face me, his lips twitching in what could be a smile. “Are you trying to blackmail me?”

“No, just wondering.” I swallow hard.

There’s a strange energy about this guy who can scare the hell of anyone without saying a word. And now, he’s talked more than I’ve ever heard him talk, and his low voice is pleasant and in stark comparison with his steely stare. Like silk against a sharp razor.

“You are Archer’s business,” he says. “And I don’t need problems.”

“There won’t be any. I can always go by myself and tell Archer you knew and refused to keep me company.”