Page 133 of Wild Thing

We can’t outrun them, not barefoot. The rain hardens, and in a moment, it’s pouring, the water running down my face, blinding me.

Someone shoots in our direction, I pull Kat left, behind a big tent and a fire with a group of people around.

There’s a round of gunshots and a loud explosion, lighting the air with an orange glow and sparks.

“What the fuck?” I exhale, panting, slowing down as Kat and I crouch behind another tent. How many are there? “They are not supposed to bomb the freaking place.”

“It’s a riot, Archer. It’s not the guards. It’s the Savages.”

I peek from behind the building. “It looks like a gasoline drum explosion. Jesus…”

“There!” She pulls me toward a darker path between wood shacks.

“Freeze!” someone barks behind us, but we’re not stopping.

“Get ‘em!”

“Right there!”

A shot pierces the air.

How the hell do they have so many guns?

Someone slams into me, and I roll onto the ground, losing my gun.

“Archer!” Kat yells.

I jump up and throat-punch a guy. Someone punches me in the shoulder, and I turn and start punching his face.

I break free and stumble toward Kat, who points a gun behind me, her voice full of worry when she says. “Archer, there’s a giant group of them coming.”

Shadows stream toward us.

“Run!” I yell.


“Run, Kat. I’ll cover you. Run to the shore. There’s a camera there, the surveillance team will see you. Run! I’ll distract them!”

And I throw myself at the approaching crowd, punching away, roaring as I try to draw their attention.



Archer roarsas he sends blow after vicious blow into one thug, then another, a myriad of them running like insects toward us.

“Go!” Archer yells without looking.

It startles me.

Of all the things he could’ve said, sending me away was the worst call. The fact that he thinks I’d ever leave him makes me feel hurt, then angry.

Someone pulls me by my hair so roughly that a scream escapes me and my scalp feels like it’s sets on fire.

The anger in me explodes.

“Aaaaargh!” I roar from pain and rage.