Page 116 of Wild Thing

“Something like that.”

“But that’s not what you studied at Deene.”

“No. I completed an advanced chemistry degree by the age of seventeen.”

“Holy shit! Why go to college at all?”

“To feel normal. Parties. Football. I wanted to prove to myself I could be better than others at one more thing. And another. And one more.”

“Overachiever, huh?”

“So are you. Just at different things.”

“What’s something you did that no one knows that you aren’t proud of?”

Archer gives me a mischievous look. “Prying?”

“No. Just wonder what you are capable of.”

“I slept with one of my father’s mistresses when I was fifteen.”

Maybe not that. “Gross.”

“She slept with his best friend. And, to be fair, he was with two escorts that night, and I was mad at him for many reasons.”

I can see why Archer had a fucked-up attitude with women, growing up with a father who wasn’t the best example of a family man.

“You?” Archer cocks his head.

“Well, I don’t have raunchy stories like that. But… Remember I told you about the sheriff’s son and his minions?”

“The one who tried to—”


“You beat them up, right?” Archer smiles.

“Yeah. The charge was dismissed, but I was still angry. Knowing they could try to do it again. Or something worse.”

I’m not proud of that night. But I’d like to think that I might’ve saved other girl who weren’t as feisty as me and let men stomp over their pride.

“I drugged them,” I confess.


“Spiked their drinks at a party I snuck out to.”

“You’re good at sneaking into places.”

“Yeah. Well, I had an agenda.”

Archer opens his mouth to say something clever but changes his mind, waiting for me to continue.

“They had a cabin in the woods where they used to drink and bring girls. Club Thirty, they called it. Because they celebrated the number of girls they’d brought there by then.”


“Yeah, the girls’ names were written all over like a fucking wall of shame. So they drank the spiked shit and passed out two hours later. All four of them. So I undressed them, placed their bodies wrapped in each other—I was creative, I’ll tell you that—and took pictures. Many pictures. Suggestive ones.”