Page 5 of Leashed

“Before I transport you, you need to have a taste of what’s coming when you act out. You are absolutely not going to get away with a single thing you did to that poor family, and I am not going to tolerate your human insolence.”

He opens the cage door and I step out. His threats mean very little to me. I know he won’t hurt me. Can’t break the merchandise, after all. Even the aliens I spent the last week tormenting didn’t hurt me. I’m worth too much in this fucked up alien economy to suffer any real consequences.

At least, that’s what I thought. When he reaches for me and starts to pull me toward him, I wonder if I’ve made the wrong assumption. He sits down in the chair he usually sits in when he is going to do his alien paperwork, or conduct what seems to be a longer range conversation in his head. Telepathy is very strange to be around. Seeing aliens fight without saying so much as a word is wild. I know this because the husband and wife aliens who took me home did nothing but fight the entire time I was there. Stony stares and haughty glances interspersed with occasional gasps and yowls of pain when I bit them were the order of the day.

“I’ve observed methods of discipline among humans. This is old-fashioned, but I believe it could be effective with you, as appeals to reason and sense have had little effect. You are going to get a spanking, pet.”

More tart zingers zip across my ego, skimming the surface of what I am. I feel very naked, though I am still clothed in the ridiculous pet outfit my last alien owners provided me. His final threat sends a pulse of heat through me just from the words alone.

A spanking.

I’ve never gotten one. Never had an authority figure who noticed me long enough to give me one. Growing up at the end of the world is not an easy thing. Never knew my father, and my mom, well, she had bigger things to worry about. This is the first time I have ever been over anybody’s knee, and Arkan’s alien size makes me feel small enough without the position itself contributing.

Arkan pulls me over his big alien thighs and I know he is going to make good on the promise he just made. Instead of going directly sideways over his lap, I find myself pulled up and over it in a sort of diagonal.

I knew there would be consequences for my alien rampage. I just didn’t know that they would be so exciting. My thighs are spread on either side of one of his legs, my pussy grinding against his alien muscle. I feel little pulses of excitement radiating out from that filthy fulcrum he has created.

“Don’t do this,” I say, though my head is just sort of dangling near the floor, and I have all the authority of a lesser animal. Arkan hasn’t listened to a fucking word I said since I met him, why would he start listening now?

“I am going to take you home, and at my home, I expect you to obey me. Every time you act out, rebel against my rules, behave yourself like a bad little pet, I will spank you. Hard. I will make you feel the painful consequences of your actions. I will teach you how to behave, and I will show you how to be happy.”

With that damn near sweet sentiment, he starts spanking my ass fast and hard, his big alien palm going from one cheek to the other with swift accuracy. My skin stings and aches and I feel a flush of pure outrage and humiliation. How dare he? How… fuck… how am I going to withstand this? I’ve never been spanked before. I’ve been hit before. I’ve had my ass kicked before, but this feels different. I don’t get a chance to fight this. And he’s not doing it out of anger, or hatred, or anything like that. He’s doing it because he wants me to be better. To behave better. He wants me to obey him, and that’s why my ass is now blazing hot.

I hate every second of it, but I cannot escape. This alien, unlike the others, knows how to hold and restrain human without hurting them. That means I am pinned in place over his big alien lap, and every single one of the many dozens of perfectly calibrated slaps designed to sting and humiliate me lands precisely where he intends them to.

My wails are ones of outrage more than pain, though there’s plenty of sensation to complain about. It feels as though my entire rear has been turned into a hot plate radiating fiery intensity through the entirety of my body. As much as I want to continue to growl and snarl, there are whimpers there as well, escaping my lips and making their way to his ears.

He slows a little, then stops, laying his hand across both of my cheeks. His touch is almost comforting, but it comes far too late to truly soothe me.

“I know this hurts,” he says. “And I know it makes you furious to be punished, but this is what you need. Pleasure and pain. Consequence and reward. This is how you will become happy and settled, knowing that your world makes sense, is predictable and safe.”

I don’t want to hear it. I want him to let me fucking go. I want to be off his knee, and away from his punishing palm. So I do what any trapped animal would do with only limited ways to escape.

I bite him. One of his hands is on my ass, but the other one has brushed past my face, moving my hair away from my gaze. I latch onto his middle and pointer finger, biting down as hard as I can in the effort to make him release me.

There’s a loud curse and a jerk as he registers his own dose of punishing pain. I buck hard in the attempt to escape, planning to dash out the back of the store, through the main body of the shop, and out into the street. His grip does loosen for a moment, but not enough for my squirming to make a difference.

I wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t make so much as a sound. Instead, his palm explodes against my ass, a flurry of harsh slaps beating across my ass in a thunderous tattoo.

“You do NOT bite,” he growls at me, suddenly very stern. “You will never do that again. I know you’ve done that to the family, but after today, I promise that will not be something you consider.”

No more Mr Nice Alien, I guess.

There’s the sound of a couple snaps unsnapping, and then I feel a sudden cool breeze on my ass. He’s pulled the seat of my bodysuit open and now has unfettered access to my bare rear. The realization makes me tense up all the more, which is about the worst thing I could do right before a thin wood or maybe plastic implement whips across my ass. The feeling is akin to being snapped with a line of pure fire. It doesn’t have the weight and heft of his palm, but it stings like crazy, and Arkan wastes no time in whipping it against my ass dozens of times in a row, giving me no quarter whatsoever.

He’s so fucking mean. He’s completely ruthless. And he’s absolutely intent on making sure I know I cannot cross him.

I might be starting to get the idea.


This wayward brat of a human is finally learning a long-overdue lesson. Her cheeks are nicely marked, but not so much that she cannot take more. I will return to punishing them again, but first I want to address the use of her teeth more directly. She has no shame or reluctance whatsoever when it comes to biting, and that is going to stop today.

I grasp my writhing little ballerina and pull her up to her feet. She might think this means her punishment is over. She would be wrong. She’s far from the first human to bite me, and I have developed ways and means of dealing with that tendency. The most effective is to introduce an unpleasant object to her mouth while her bottom is still hot and stinging.

I keep a small supply of bite inhibitors on the shelves next to my desk. It is not difficult to take one of them and bring it to her nose.

“This is a bar of saponified fats,” I tell her, keeping a firm grip on the back of her neck. My scaled hand nearly completely encircles her throat. When this is done, she will wear my collar and she will experience a level of obedience and submission that she cannot begin to imagine right now. For the moment, she squirms and wriggles in my grasp, not so much trying to escape as merely reacting to the sensations flooding her punished flesh.