Page 21 of Leashed

My brothers and I remain single, long after the age most men of our species mate and marry. I have always figured it was because of the unfortunate circumstances of our parents’ union. My father is dead. My mother… I cannot bear to think of what became of her.

Our once proud family was shattered by my father’s death and my mother’s… there are so many words for what she did to us, and none of them are pleasant. Even the worst behaved human feels more predictable and safe than a Euphorian female now.

There have been many pretty humans passing through the doors of our pet shop, but it is not Jennifer’s appearance that made my lust so powerfully insatiable I could not resist. It is her spirit. She has as much fire in her as any Euphorian. She is strong in ways I find myself admiring even as it brings great chaos to my world.

Finally, fatigue begins to creep back into my body. It is very late and my sleep has been disturbed by my pet’s little criminal excursion, but I am glad for it. I needed to hear Kahn’s news. I had barely remembered that he was at the council today, far too obsessed with my own problems and then the charming charisma of my human pet, who makes all other concerns seem like matters of no note whatsoever.

Is this love? When one is concerned and unconcerned, free and shackled, all at the same time? Where nothing matters at all, and yet everything is tremendously important because it must be perfect for her? I do not know. I have never felt love toward a mate before. I have felt desire, and a certain biological relief once that desire was physically relieved, but nothing like this, not a warmth of feeling and deep affection that not only persists but seems to intensify with each passing moment post coitus.

I feel a pull of yearning that compels me to drain the dregs of my beverage and rise to my feet. I miss my pet.

* * *

The crate door is open when I get back to the bedroom. I glance down, though I do not really need to. I already know that my pet is not in her crate. For a moment, I fear I have been terribly foolish and allowed her to escape, but a second later I spot her curled up quite happily in my bed. She has clearly decided she is too good for her crate and prefers a proper bed for her repose.

She is fast asleep.

The trainer in me says I should put her back in her crate, but instead I very carefully lift the covers and slide in next to her. She is small but warm, and there is a comfort to her presence that soon has me sliding into slumber alongside her.



I wake up curled up next to a big, warm alien. My ass is aching, and so is my pussy. I feel as though I have been run over by a big, sexy truck. I also feel very snuggly and very comfortable, and… Happy? Yes. I feel happy. It’s a strange, light sensation that makes me squirm a little against Ark’s body, feeling the hard, long lines of his sleeping form.

I should be escaping. It’s the perfect time. He’s not even awake. I could tip-toe on out of here and, hopefully avoiding his asshole brother, be the closest thing to free I’ve been in some time.

But the bed is warm and the blankets are extra snuggly and instead I close my eyes again and let myself go back to sleep.

* * *

Iwake up for a second time to the smell of fresh cooking. When I open my eyes, I am no longer accompanied in the bed. I am alone in the sheets, but Ark is beside me with a tray of food. More pancakes, and a citrus type drink.

“You made me breakfast?” I can’t keep the surprise and gratitude out of my voice.

“I know humans need to eat regularly,” he says. “You need to keep your strength up.”

He’s trying to sound like he’s being logical about this, but I know a romantic gesture when I see it. Especially when he puts the tray down over my legs and I see that there’s a little flower on the side of the plate. Nothing too flashy, just a little white and yellow daisy type flower, but certainly nothing that needs to be there.

The tray and everything on it suddenly seems very misty for some reason, as if I am looking through a blurry filter. I blink and realize that there are tears in my eyes. Happy tears. How weird.

“What’s wrong?” Ark seems immediately concerned.

I look up at him. He’s blurry, but hot and handsome in spite of his blurriness. “Nothing’s wrong,” I say, my voice quavering. “It’s just, you’re making it very hard to want to run away.”

“Good,” he smiles, reaching out to caress my hair. “I want you to stay with me, pet. I want to take good care of you. I want to make you happy.”

I groan inwardly. I’ve sworn to make him regret ever having taken me from Earth, and this sweetness is fully ruining that plan of mine.

I take a bite of the pancakes before they get cold. They’re good again, just like they were last night. I wonder if he’s going to give me pancakes for every meal. I could live with it if he was.

“They’re very good,” I say, answering the question I can see hovering on his face.

“Good,” he says. “I used a fortified flour to ensure they have additional nutritional value. I also added a protein powder, as you have not consumed much of the way in protein lately.”

He sits on the bed, his scaled arms rippling casually as he slides them back to prop himself up. His hair is tied back behind his head in a ponytail, and he is wearing the closest thing I have seen any of these aliens wear to a suit.

It is a stiff, formal garment with trousers and a jacket, though he does not wear any shirt beneath it.