Page 39 of Leashed

I let out a small, shameful moan, not knowing how far my alien master will push this display.

“Has she learned her lesson?” Ark asks the crowd.

“No!” they shout. I wonder that there are any guards left in the prison at all by now. This is not a world where prisoners escape, but I’m betting Zain could just walk out the front fucking door right now and nobody would notice, much less care. My hot, naked ass has become the star attraction, more so even than Wrathelder’s big ship.

“Play along, pet,” he growls in my ear, the deep tone of his voice sending excited shivers to the core of me. I don’t know what he has in store for me, but I can feel the electric charge that usually means I am about to get fucking laid. Surely he wouldn’t do that out here among the guards?

When they say no, I brace myself for the beating of a lifetime. But that’s not what Ark has in mind. Instead of another implement, or more whipping, he pulls out the toy. That toy. The buzzing, instant orgasm, alien fuck toy. I must be wetter than I realized, because he slides it up inside my pussy without any resistance. The anal probe seats itself up against my butt, and the sucking fingers find my clit all at once.

He activates his device and I scream in instant orgasm, coming hard and publicly in the sight of the alien guards. These are great muscular beings who deprive others of freedom, the embodiment of cruel authority. And I am coming hard in front of all of them, captured, spanked, and now fucked by this alien technology.

The world seems suddenly bright, and hot, and..


An explosion rocks the city. The guards scatter. Ark pulls the toy out of my still climaxing pussy and yanks my pants up in one surprisingly smooth motion. He sets me on my feet, keeping a fast hold on my collar to stop me from bolting.

I am shocked that the detonation was so large, and that Zain used it so swiftly. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Why would he wait? I wouldn’t wait. I’d blow myself right out of that prison as soon as I could.

Then I realize that the explosion did not come from inside the dark spire. It came from above. A shockwave of pressure and light is emanating from the heavens. The first explosion is followed by several more, a rapid-fire set of three distinct bangs. Everybody is looking up now. Across the city, heads are raised on the walking paths, hands up to shield eyes from the brightness of the explosions.

We don’t notice the little specks of dark at first, not until they become rapidly larger. A big, blackened chunk of shipwreck lands about thirty feet away from us, hitting the concrete or whatever these skywalks are made of with enough force to instantly send cracks spiderwebbing out from the point of impact. I feel the jolt all the way from my feet, up through my spine, all the way to my skull.

The flaming wreckage of the Wrathelder human transport ship is now raining down in hefty burning chunks. They smash into the spiderweb lanes of the city, severing many of them and damaging others. Euphorians are running for their lives as the carcass of the ship comes down.

There is much screaming and panic. That’s because they’ve never seen a world crumble before. Fortunately for me that has been my entire existence. I’ve seen buildings come down. I’ve seen people die en masse. The wreckage of my world does not plummet from the sky, but it leaves mass chaos in its wake.

I can feel the energy shift city wide. Nobody here has ever felt the unrest of a tectonic change like this before. They have not suffered through an abrupt shift in reality as they know it. My entire life has been shift after shift. I was barely fucking surprised to be caught by an alien.

The Euphorians thought peace would last forever. They thought they could do anything to anyone, go to other worlds, take sentient beings and bring them back as amusements and nothing bad would ever happen. They thought they could kill fathers and steal mothers and imprison brothers, and nothing would ever happen.

Now something is happening. Something terrible and destructive, something that will scar the city and its people for the rest of their lifetimes.

Ark curses and picks me up, running for safety. The prison would be closer, but he doesn’t want to go there for obvious reasons, instead he is forced to make a break for more open territory. It is completely random as to who is hit by the wreckage, and who is sent plummeting miles to the sunless ground below when the path they are standing on becomes suddenly unmoored.

As much as I relish this chaos, I know it could just as easily take us out. I cling to Ark and close my eyes and hope for whatever passes for the best in this situation.


A familiar shout makes me open my eyes as Kahn sweeps down in a shuttle next to us. I thought he would be in the prison handing the charge off to Zain while we made our scene, but it seems he managed to make it to his shuttle. This is very good news for us. A savior is at hand.

“Get in!” Kahn throws the hatch of the shuttle open.

Ark races toward the shuttle and leaps into it, keeping a close and tight hold of me as we make a getaway among the storm of ship which continues to rain pieces large and small, and now a sad ash which turns the perennially bright skies of Euphoria to a dour gray.

There’s silence as Kahn pilots the shuttle out of the danger zone. What was almost impossible to escape safely on foot is much easier to clear in a shuttle. It’s a matter of seconds to leave the center of peril, and then only a few more minutes to reach the Voros family home.

Not a fucking word is spoken until Kahn lands and we disembark. There is a shell-shocked vibe among all three of us. We stand and stare. I assume they are talking telepathically.

Something is wrong. Not in the ship exploding way sort of wrong. Something is wrong between the brothers. Ark is keeping me in his lap, holding onto me so tightly, as if he’s still afraid of me getting hurt. I am confused and a little scared because I do not know what is going on.

“Kahn…” Ark begins to speak out loud.

“Don’t ask a question you don’t want the answer to,” Kahn says.

“Do I need to ask the question? Or do I already know?”

I wonder what they are saying to one another telepathically. There is probably so much I miss out on when it comes to the conversation between these brothers. What they’re saying out loud is cryptic and more than a little nonsensical. There’s definitely some drama going down.