Page 38 of Leashed

There are big crowds over by the vessel, celebrating with lights and music. I can feel the telepathic charge of excitement and joy coming from those in attendance. Phenix is throwing himself the party to end all parties, and he is doing it at our expense.

“What’s wrong?” Jen is worried by my expression. She has no telepathic powers, but she is very sensitive to energy and body language, when she is not choosing to ignore both.

“The beginning of the end,” I say, allowing myself a brief maudlin impulse. Wrathelder will cause problems on Earth, and in Euphoria. A dark age is coming. Of that I am absolutely certain. We have begun to fight back, but we are late to the battle.

“So,” she says, changing the subject. “While we make a scene, Kahn’s already down there, and he’s going to somehow give something explosive, a charge or something to Zain, who will escape? Seems like we’re leaving the poor guy to basically arrange his own exit.”

“A detonator and a charge are more than Zain needs to get out of there,” I reply. “Sometimes I think he is only still in there because he’s choosing to humor us. We will go down to the prison, and we will do what we can.”


I hope today’s plan works. I hope the ass-whipping I am about to earn is worth it. It’s not long before we reach the place we were going, just outside the entrance to the prison. Arkan gives me a look, just a flicker of a brow, and I unleash my demons without needing any more prompting.

“Fuck you, alien scum!” I curse suddenly, making the locals scatter away from us, and drawing interest from the burly guards outside. “You don’t own me. You’ll never own me! You’re not my real dad, and you never will be!”

I don’t know where that last part came from, but I roll with it. Seems like one of those old ancestral phrases that floats around the human psyche long after it’s ceased to make sense.

“Settle down, pet,” Ark lectures. “Or you will be a very sore little human, I can promise you that.”

I feel like there’s something slightly stiff about his performance. He’s not really that stern. He’s playing, and I worry others will be able to tell the same way I can.

So I decide to make it real. He has a hand on my collar. I arch my neck and let my teeth make sharp contact with the inside of his wrist. It’s a sensitive area with fewer scales. So that’s where I bite him. Hard.

Ark’s grip on my neck immediately tightens.

“I told you not to bite me,” he snaps.

“I know. I don’t care.” My defiance is organic and entirely real — as is his discipline.

He makes a show of dragging me off the main path and into what I can only describe as the prison car park. There, in full view of an increasing number of guards, he whips my pants down and starts spanking my bare ass for all the alien world to see. There’s nowhere for him to prop his leg up, but that doesn’t matter, he just picks me up under his arm, wrapping that strong limb around my waist, and spanks me that way.

I curse him out, kicking and flailing as hot bursts of his palm ignite my flesh. This is a real spanking, and it hurts from the first slap. My wails and cries are very genuine as Ark takes me to task.

“Bad, bad little pet,” he lectures, his palm meeting my ass hard and fast. All eyes are on us, on me. Every guard is getting an eyeful of my bare ass and everything between my flailing thighs.

“I told you what would happen if you publicly disobeyed again,” he growls. “I told you that your displays in front of the council and my family would lead to you being used like the little animal you are,”

I have no idea what he is talking about, but I have the feeling I am about to find out. There are even more guards now. I can see them emerging from the prison, gawking at my bare ass and my pussy on intermittent display every time I kick my legs.

It’s embarrassing. I thought it wouldn’t be because we’re doing this on purpose, but with dozens of big alien guards damn near forming a complete semi-circle around us, I am starting to feel very small and very on display.

“Want to borrow a lash, brother?” One of the guards calls out to Ark.

“Please,” Ark says. “These humans cannot be given enough discipline.”

A leather-like lash sails through the air, thrown by an obliging sadist. Ark catches it and wastes no time applying it to my ass, the thick hide whipping my own with swift and stinging strokes.

I hope Kahn is inside the prison, though I haven’t seen him. I hope Zain is going to get out today. I hope this plan all works, because my bottom and my pride are equally stinging and it will be a long time, perhaps even an eternity, before I live this down.

The gazes of the guards make me feel so small. I am just one little human, surrounded by huge alien men, all of whom find my punishment a matter of great entertainment.

“Let me go! I’ll never obey you!”

I guess I have more rebellion left inside me than I thought. Defiance is my favorite pastime even now that I am being made an example of. There’s more than just embarrassment. There’s a certain heat, a straight up arousal. Ark handles me like I’m just a troublesome little animal, and as small as I feel, I also feel increasingly hot. I’m getting wet, and judging by the growls and sounds emitting from the guards, I am not the only one who has noticed.

Will Ark be mad? Is my display shameful? Will he punish me even harder?

“You’re soaked, pet,” he growls in my ear. “If I had known you were so receptive to public punishment I would have made sure to whip your ass in front of others before now.” His hand is clasped around my hot rear, his fingertips pressed against and slightly into my pussy.