Page 34 of Leashed

I marvel at the nerve of Phenix to dare come to our property and set foot on the soil of my father’s name.

I had been relaxing with my pet on the balcony overlooking the gardens. She has been very soft and very compliant today. I have praised her many times for the shift in her attitude. It would be saying too much to say she had changed completely, but there is no doubt the beginnings of transformation from wild to tame are in place. A precedent has been set. She is aware now of some of the lengths I will go to in order to ensure her obedience, and simply knowing them seems to have calmed her a great deal.

Phenix’s appearance at our door besmirches what I had hoped would be a much needed day of rest for the house of Voros.

“In your crate, pet,” I order my human. I do not want her loose while he is here. The temptation to punch him in the face would no doubt be too extreme. I am already feeling intensely annoyed by his presence, which I know is a harbinger of trouble. For Phenix Wrathelder to set foot in the heart of our territory is an act of boldness I can barely comprehend, especially given how thoroughly beaten he was yesterday.

Jen slinks into her crate with only a slight look of resentment in her pretty eyes. I know she wants to see her handiwork, but I must deny her that pleasure. What training I have managed to instill in her could easily be undone by one moment of triumph.

I dress myself and go downstairs to meet our uninvited guest. I feel the satisfaction I decided it was best to deny my pet as I reach the bottom of the stairs and find him with Kahn.

Phenix has been mended as best as is possible, but there is a swelling about his nose and a certain darkness around his left eye. My little human did significant damage to a member of an allegedly superior species.

“To what do we owe this honor?” I keep my demeanor welcoming.

“I wanted to thank you, Arkan,” Phenix says.


Phenix’s eyes are gleaming with malevolence. “Your display yesterday finally convinced my investors, and several key members of the council to invest in a new program.”


I refuse to be drawn into any further conversational gambits. He has come here smug and with a self-satisfied air I do not trust.

“You see, humans have been regarded as amusements, fashionable accessories, a fad, a trend…”

I listen, knowing that he would not be here if it were not to see my face when he twists the knife I do not yet know he has inside me.

Within the next few sentences, that suspicion is entirely confirmed.

“Your human, sweet, and small, and very female as she is, demonstrated an aspect of humanity that has gone unregarded by council. Their capacity for ruthless, senseless, and explosive violence.”

I do not reply at all this time when he pauses. I let him have his dramatic little moment.

“I want you to hear this from me, Voros,” he says, his lips curling with dark and vengeful delight. You will have it confirmed by the council soon enough I am sure, but I asked if I might be the one to bring you the news in person, out of respect for your investment and contributions to human research.”

Another pause. Another silence.

“The human pet trade is being put on indefinite hold. After all, these creatures are erratic in nature and could very well pose a danger to families, especially those with children.”

He lets that sink in for a moment, before twisting a second metaphorical blade. These barbs are exceptionally sharp. I suppose I should be grateful they are merely words and not actual blades like the ones driven into my father’s flesh at his behest.

“Wrathelders have been awarded the contract to import humans. Not as pets, but as guard animals.”

Rage swims in my heart and in my eyes and threatens to taint my tongue. I make a great effort of self-control to keep my response short and bland.

“You have no experience with humans.”

“We have plenty of experience in matters of war. The council saw your failure in taming that human you brought into their presence. Blood was spilled for all to see. Really, it was a very poor decision on your part. They saw how you had indulged her and allowed her to become untamed and dangerous. They were on the verge of demanding all humans be retrieved and destroyed for public safety. We intervened on their behalf.”

“And I was not consulted on this because…”

“Because you were the one who brought the entire matter to a head. Your family has a reputation for recklessness and violence, Voros. You know that. Look at your father…”

Finally, I speak properly, saying the words that live inside me, words that have waited far too long to be given voice.

“Phenix. If I see you again, I will kill you. Get out of my house.”