And then there was the other thing. Cate still had the impression that Gabby was upset about something. Cate had suggested getting together for a meal several times, but Gabby was always busy at work. It hurt to think Gabby was keeping her at a distance.

Even if Cate was doing essentially the same thing...

Cate had been more than willing to rent a car and drive back from Blossom Branch if either or both of her friends had wanted to get together for lunch. But it never seemed to work out.

Her own secrets weighed heavily. Perhaps Leah and Gabby had picked up on Cate’s evasions. Maybe she had hurt their feelings by not staying with them instead of Harry.

No matter how Cate explained that choice, the other two women were suspicious of Harry and his motives. To hear that Cate and Harry were sleeping together might shock them and really make them upset.

Cate had her own questions. Why was Harry attracted to her? He’d told her his long-ago crush was nothing. He’d been very convincing about it.

Was he covering up his emotions?

She hated feeling uncertain. Of all the things Jason’s betrayal had set in motion—humiliation, embarrassment, strained relationships with her family and friends—destroying her trust was the worst.

How would she ever be able to depend on a man’s words, or even his actions? The spectacular irony was that her rebound relationship had turned out to be with the absolute last guy she should trust. Harry didn’t lie and cheat with other women. In a way, his unsuitability was worse.

He’d told her from the beginning that he didn’t want anything permanent. Withanywoman. But permanent waswhat Cate wanted most.

Then why was she recklessly indulging in adult playtime?

In her entire twenty-five years, she had never done one-night stands or short-term hookups. Before Harry, Jason was her one and only. She’d never slept with a stranger. She had been agoodgirl yet look where that had landed her.

Dumped in front of society’s elite.

Left alone with her life derailed.

Forced to accept help from her nemesis.

When Harry opened the back door and walked into the kitchen, Cate jumped. She’d been lost in her thoughts, trying to unravel the Gordian knot that kept her from going forward.

“Hey,” she said. The word came out squeaky.

Harry glanced at her curiously. “You okay?”

She swallowed hard, wiping her damp palms on her jeans. “Sure. Just waiting for the potatoes to finish.”

“How long do they have? Don’t want the steaks to get cold.”

“Um...” She had forgotten to set a timer, either on her phone or on the stove. The potatoes could have been baking for ten minutes or half an hour. Who knew? She had been lost in her thoughts, content to watch Harry unobserved. “I’ll poke them with a fork,” she said brightly. “Why don’t you pour the wine?”

He saw too much. If she didn’t get herself together, Harry would begin to ask questions.

He filled the wineglasses with a beautiful Aussie Shiraz. “I haven’t had this one before, but one of my buddies loves it.”

Cate pulled the potatoes out of the oven, relieved they were done. “It smells good,” she said, lifting one glass and swirling the contents.

By the time they sat down to eat, she thought she had covered her tracks. But Harry was not dumb. He cut his steak, tried a bite, then sat back in his chair. “Something’s wrong,” he said. “I haven’t seen you this jumpy in a long time. Maybe ever.” His gray eyes studied her face, trying to discover her secrets. Cate didn’t like that.

“You’re imagining things.” She stared down at her plate, carefully slicing into her steak.

“No.” Harry said.

“Let it go, Harry,” she said. “All I want to do is have a nice evening.”

He didn’t press her further, but the meal was uncomfortable. They ate mostly in silence.

Finally, at the soonest possible moment she could get up from the table without triggering another round of questions, Cate stood. “Leave the dishes,” she said. “I’ll take care of them later.”