It wasn’t easy. He was demanding a kind of trust and openness that frightened her, especially knowing that for him this was going to be a physical relationship, while for her, it was already far too personal.

Despite the lack of expression in his eyes, his voice told a different story. “I’ve wanted this for a long time,” he said hoarsely. “Wantedyou.”

She felt the press of his erection—the blunt head and then the sensation of fullness as he entered her carefully. The whole time, they held eye contact. It was emotionally raw and terrifying.

“I won’t break, Harry,” she said. “Take me like you want to...”

The skin was stretched tight across his cheekbones. His jaw was rigid. “I can’t, Catie-girl.”

She cupped his face in her hands and pulled his head down so she could kiss him long and slow. “Yes, Harry. Yes, you can. It’s okay.” She lifted her hips into his thrusts, feeling the tight hold he had on his physicality.

“Oh, damn,” he groaned. He was shaking now, his brow damp.

Suddenly, she saw more of the 90 percent. What he craved. What he feared.

She set her fingernails into his shoulders and raked his hot flesh. “Do it, Harry. Take me hard. Make me scream.”

As if her words had unleashed a kind of ancient sorcery, Harry jerked and moaned. She felt his control snap. Heard his muttered words of praise and pleading.

He hammered into her, shaking the bed, shaking her body as he took what he wanted. It was scary and exhilarating and everything in between. Cate was satiated before this, but he coaxed her need to the surface, making her gasp and arch blindly, reaching for the bliss he had shown her time and again.

Harry found the end before she did. He roared out his pleasure along with her name, thrusting and thrusting until he slumped on top of her.

Cate didn’t mind. Her body hummed with banked need, but it would keep. For now, she found herself in an unknown space. With a man who had rescued her heart and now might take it forever.

She knew the risk. Many people were like that. It was a curse. Oh, to be able to separate physical bliss from emotion.

Stroking his hair was another forbidden pleasure. For a man so self-contained, this level of vulnerability was rare.

When he roused at last, his expression was impossible to read, though it was perhaps shell-shocked for a quick second. “I’m sorry,” he said, the tone ridiculously formal for the current situation. “You didn’t finish.”

She traced his eyebrows with her fingertips. “Don’t be an ass. If you’re going to give me multiple orgasms, you have to be okay with me sitting one out now and then.” She paused, painfully unsure of herself. “You were amazing,” she said softly.

He sat up, yawned and ran his hands through his hair. She sensed he shared her unease. The cataclysm they had birthed was more than either of them had expected.

“Did I hurt you?”

She heard it then. A tiny, unexpected need for reassurance. “No,” she said firmly. “It was incredible.Youwereincredible.” She laughed softly. “Or maybe we were incredible together.”

“Damn straight.” The smug satisfaction in his voice was more like the Harry she knew. “What do you want to do now?” he asked.

Because his most impressive body part was once again at attention, she had no doubt about his agenda. But if he was going to ask...

“Eat,” she said. “Food,” in case there was any confusion. “If we’re going to keep this up for a while, I need sustenance.”

Harry blinked.“Keep this up?”

She felt her face go hot. “Oh, gosh, you know that’s not what I meant. Keep up our sexual extravaganza.”

“Fine,” he said, pretending to grumble.

She got an eyeful when he climbed out of bed. His ass was almost as impressive as his other attributes. Because she wanted to prove she wasn’t a prude, she slapped the nearest cheek, grinning when her handprint appeared on one firm masculine buttock.

“Eye candy,” she said. “That’s what you are.”

He disappeared into the bathroom, calling out over his shoulder. “Don’t start something if you want to raid the refrigerator.”

Because she was feeling shy, she used her own bathroom, freshening up quickly in case he came to find her. Once she was wearing her cami and panties and robe again, she knotted the belt tightly, brushed her hair and went in search of her lover.