“Nah. I like to be naked in bed.” He leaned down and unwrapped the bandage supporting his sprained knee.

“Very funny.” Harry said those things to make her blush. She knew it, but she blushed anyway.

He waved an arm. “Welcome to my bedroom, Cate.”

“I’ve seen it before,” she admitted.

“Oh.” That raised eyebrow made her feel guilty.

“One of the first days I was here, you went to the office downtown, so I explored. But to be honest, I only came as far as the doorway. I didn’t snoop, I swear.”

He cocked his head, amusement tilting his lips in a mocking smile. “And what did you learn from the doorway?”

“Not much. Your room is a lot like you...iceberg-ish.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re an enigma, Harry. No one ever knows what you’re thinking. A guy like you is 90 percent below the surface.”

He sobered. “You’ve seen more of that 90 percent than most people, Cate.”

She stared at him. “I have?”

“You have,” he insisted. “I don’t want you to think of me like that. Especially not when we’re being intimate with each other. I won’t hold anything back.”

“Oh.” She felt dizzy. Was she ready for a version of Harry who was a hundred percent open and available to her? It boggled the mind. “Should we get under the covers?” she said. “My feet are getting cold.”

Harry chuckled. “Well, we can’t have that. Which side of the mattress do you like?”

“Does it matter? For sex, I mean?”

“I want you to be comfortable.” He caught her wrist and tugged her toward the bed. Then he placed her hand flat on his chest over his heart. The steady, rapidka-thud,ka-thudtold Cate he was more revved than he was letting on.

His gaze clashed with hers. The silvery gray gleamed, mesmerizing her. Her fingernails dug into his warm skin. “We’re going to have fun, aren’t we?” she whispered.

“You can bet on it, sweet Cate.”

With gravity and ceremony, he folded back the sheet and blanket and comforter and waited for her to scoot in.

“Thank you,” she said, feeling breathless when they hadn’t even started. If this was what it was like to make a mature, rational decision, why did it feel so wicked and dangerous?

Without warning, Harry tossed his robe aside and casually ditched his briefs. One glimpse of his erect sex stopped Cate in her tracks. She knew he wanted her, but hereallywanted her.

That knowledge gave her the oddest feeling.

She touched his thigh when he settled beside her. “I’m glad we’re doing this,” she said. “Really, I am.”

He traced her lips with a fingertip. “Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?”

Bravely, she slid out her tongue and tasted his finger. “Both of us?”

Her simple action made him shudder. “Slow down, Cate.”

She laughed at him. “Seriously?”

He was reclining on his side leaning on his elbow. His eyelids were at half-mast. “I could devour you,” he said, the words low and raspy. “I’m exercising more control than you can imagine at this very moment.”

“Oooh, I’m scared,” she said.