Even now, Brit had to laugh. “I played a construction worker.”

Laney’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope. He was dead serious. Told me I was a good kid who deserved a chance.”

“And the rest is history.”

Brit shook his head. “Not quite that easy. But things did start rolling after that. There were a couple of national commercials, a bit part on an afternoon soap. Finally, a real movie with a supporting role. And I landed an agent.”

Laney shook her head slowly, her gaze wry.

“What?” he said.

“I appreciate hearing about how you got your big break, but other than that, I knew the rest of it. My gosh, Brit. Everyone in town has seen everything you’ve ever done, bit part or not.”

“Oh.” He honestly hadn’t thought of that. California seemed like the other side of the moon. His career had taken him farther and farther from home. Though his memories of Blossom Branch were fond ones, they mostly centered around Laney. The idea that his hometown had been watching his acting endeavors from the beginning surprised him. “That’s nice, I guess.” Laney yawned hugely making him feel guilty. “You should go back to bed,” he said. “Don’t worry about me.”

Her heavy-lidded gaze made him itchy.

When she didn’t move, and she didn’t say anything, he patted the sofa beside him. “Or you could stretch out here and doze while I watch TV.”

It was a calculated gamble. He got the feeling Laney didn’t want to go back to bed. On the other hand, he wasn’t sure she wanted to stay in the living room either. Brit was happy to help her make up her mind.

She yawned again. “Okay,” she said. “If it won’t bother you.”

Itwouldbother him. A lot. But in the best possible way.

Laney grabbed a small blanket off another chair. Brit scooted to the far end of the sofa. Though the house was old, this piece of furniture was modern and cozy. He was glad of that, especially when Laney stretched out and laid her head in his lap. She had to curl her legs, but she seemed comfortable as she got settled. “This is nice,” she said.

He didn’t know whether to be pleased or insulted when she was asleep in minutes.

An odd feeling came over him. A combination of relief and contentment and yet at the same time fear. He was not even thirty years old—and already at a crossroads.

His parents often visited him in California, because they knew how hard it was for him to get away from filming commitments. Neither his mom nor his dad tried to make him feel guilty about turning his back on Blossom Branch.

He frequently bought them first-class plane tickets and made sure they knew they were welcome on his doorstep anytime of the day or night. He might have left Blossom Branch, but he had never abandoned his family.

The only person he had forsaken was Laney. That searing regret haunted him to this day. To stay would have meant never realizing his dreams. Laney had known that. Not once had she ever tried to stand in his way.

But his decision had cost both of them deeply.

Nothing on the TV screen held his attention. Not when Laney was so close. It was impossible not to think about the time he had come home for his grandmother’s funeral four years ago. It was his one and only pilgrimage to his hometown since he left at the age of eighteen. Grief and nostalgia had affected him strongly, and after the service, he had jumped at the chance to spend time with Laney. A drink at the local bar and a late-evening drive had turned into an all-nighter.

He had almost slept with her. Laney had been ready and willing. No question at all about her state of mind. Still, knowing that he was getting on a plane the following day had made Brit cautious. He didn’t want to be a jerk. He didn’t want to disrespect Laney.

So in the end, they had kissed and done a few other things that even now made him sweat. Oddly, Laney hadn’t asked him a single question about his career that night. They had mostly talked about old times...friends...school.

She was deeply asleep now, her soft pink lips parted. He stroked her hair gently, careful not to wake her. How had no one else snapped her up? Were the men in this town clueless? Laney was one in a million.

Her neck was tilted at an awkward angle. As much as he wanted her to stay, he knew she would be more comfortable in her own bed.

Carefully, he eased out from under her and got to his feet. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her down the hall. In her room, a single small bedside lamp burned. The covers were tossed back from when she had climbed out of bed.

As he bent to lay her on the mattress, her eyelids lifted, revealing warm gray eyes. “Stay,” she whispered, her gaze sleepy and sweet.

His erection twitched and turned to iron. “I shouldn’t...”

Laney caught his wrist. “It’s okay. Really. I’m glad you showed up on my doorstep. I don’t expect anything from you, Brit. Nothing but pleasure.”