He winced. “I hope one day you can forgive me. You’ve been part of my life forever. I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

“That’s asking a lot.”

“I know.” He rolled his shoulders and sighed. “I’m glad Harry was there for you when I couldn’t be.”

Cate had no control over the hot blush that rolled up from her chest and quickly covered her face. There was no way Jason didn’t notice.

His gaze narrowed. “Cate?”

“What?” She stuck out her chin.

“Harry was good to you, right? I would trust him with my life.”

“He treated me very well.Verywell.”

Jason cursed under his breath. “I know you probably want to hurt me, but that isn’t funny. Harry wouldn’t take advantage of a woman in your situation.”

She eyed her ex-fiancé coolly. “Maybe I took advantage of him.”

“Oh, God, Cate.” Jason scrubbed his hands over his face, his expression distraught. “He’ll never settle down. There are too many skeletons and demons in his closet. Tell me you haven’t slept with him.”

Cate relented when she saw how miserably guilty Jason looked. “Relax,” she said. “I’ve gotten close to Harry because of all he helped me through, but he’s been more than clear about hisrules.”

“Thank God. For a minute there, I thought I had handed you over to the big bad wolf.”

Cate flinched inwardly. Hearing that expression twice in two days sent a cold, eerie trickle down her spine. “Don’t be silly. Harry has been nothing but a gentleman.”

“Could we sit and talk for a minute?”

It was hard to ignore Jason’s plea. Besides, she had missed him...in spite of everything. “Only if I can eat my sandwich. I’m starving.” There was a picnic table a few steps away. Cate sat at one corner. Jason went to the other side and picked the farthest spot.

For two people who had been on the verge of getting married, this awkward reunion was poignantly sad.

Cate unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite. “So talk.”

His jaw firmed and his eyes flashed. Cate rarely saw that side of him. “These next few months are not going to be easy.”

She took a sip from her water bottle. “Why?”

“Because we move in the same circles. People are going to be watching us all the time.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I’ll just lay low for a while.”

“So your solution is for both of us to disappear?”

The irritation in his voice told her he was taking this more seriously than she was. Maybe because Harry had been the focus of her attention.

“I don’t know what you want from me,” she said. “You’re the one who aired our dirty laundry in front of a who’s who of Atlanta society.”

“I know what I did.” He rested his elbows on the table and put his head in his hands. Then he looked up at her. “Do you even have a place to live? I feel bad that you gave up your apartment.”

“I’ve been looking,” she said. “All this week in fact.”

“Are you at your parents’ house?”

For a moment, she yielded to pettiness. “No,” she said. “I’m staying with Harry.”

Jason stared at her. “Still? He never mentioned that when we’ve talked.”