He had laid it out there. No wife. No kids.

She couldn’t accuse him of deceiving her.

Cate would either accept the truth or be bitterly disappointed for a second time in her life.

They were almost back to Harry’s apartment building when he shot her a sideways glance. “I know tomorrow is still the holiday. But I really need to get some work done. Because I was on vacation this week, I’ll be behind come Tuesday.”

She lifted her chin. “No worries. I have half a dozen errands I need to run. Don’t worry about me. In fact, this whole week will be busy for me, too.”

He entered the parking garage and slid into the numbered space. When he shut off the engine, he half turned in his seat and faced her. “And the nights?” His expression was guarded, even though a faint smile tipped up his lips.

Cate saw the choice clearly, but it was really no choice at all. She reached for his hand, lifting it to her lips and kissing his knuckles. “We’ll share your bed until I move out.”

His jaw tightened. “And after that?”

“After that, we’ll see...”


Cate found herself in deep water. It was much harder than she anticipated to pretend she was with Harry for sex and convenience.

On Monday, when she met with a listing agent to tour condos and apartments and traditional homes, not a single place looked appealing.

The prospect of living alone when Harry was so clearly happy to have her stay with him was dismal. She second-guessed her decision time and again. The thing that kept her going from building to building was the absolute certainty that when her relationship with Harry reached its inevitable end, Cate would be less wounded if she already had a place of her own.

Even so, she didn’t mention house-hunting to her lover.

Tuesday, she looked at more real estate and afterward met with the art museum director.

Wednesday, she entertained her first class of young visitors.

The children were intimidating. Ranging in age from ten to fourteen, they came bounding into the museum classroom with varying degrees of interest. They eyed Cate with suspicion.

Their backgrounds ran the gamut. Multiple ethnicities. Atlanta was, after all, a city of many languages and skin colors. These students were part of a summer day care program.

“Well,” Cate said. “I’m glad you all are here.”

Twenty pairs of eyes surveyed her, unblinking.

“My name is Ms. Cate,” she said. “I love art, and I’m going to spend the next hour showing you why.”

A boy raised his hand. “Can I go to the bathroom?”

Cate shot a glance at one of the chaperones. The woman shook her head in a firm negative. Cate looked back at the boy. “Not yet. But we’ll take a break after half an hour.”

One of the older students raised a hand. “Do you have real rockets and stuff here? Space is cool,” he said.

“No.” Cate realized she was fast losing control. She picked up two marble animals—a rabbit and a turtle—that had been purchased by a wealthy donor and given to the museum for this exact purpose. “These are original sculptures. The artist takes a hunk of rock and then uses a chisel and other tools to reveal the shape inside.”

A small girl with golden skin and a Hispanic accent frowned. “How does the artist know what’s inside the rock?”

Cate wanted to laugh, but she kept her expression neutral. Kids were so literal, even at this age. “That’s where an artist needs imagination. Raise your hands ifyouhave an imagination.”

Every arm shot into the air. Cate smiled. “Exactly. That means any one of you has the potential to be an artist. Over the summer we’re going to talk about paper and paint and metal and string. Basically,anythingcan be part of an artist’s vision.”

A tall thin Asian boy wearing a BTS T-shirt was next to quiz her. “Are you an artist, Ms. Cate?”

His question had an edge, as if he might be calling her on perceived bullshit. Cate paused half a second. “Well,” she said, “I guess I am. My major in college was art history, which means I studied all the different centuries—the artists who were active at that time and what they were doing—where and when. Along the way, I fell in love with watercolors. When I have the time, I try my hand at that.”