Cate gaped at him. “Prescott Harrington can dance?”

“Miss Letitia Madison’s Ballroom Salon. Sixth and seventh grade. Every Thursday afternoon from four till six. Worst experience of my life. But I promise not to step on your toes.” His grin deepened. “Don’t look so shocked.”

Cate had expected line dancing, but although the band cycled through traditional country favorites during dinner, they tossed in the occasional make-out number. When Cate and Harry took the floor, the lead singer segued into an Anne Murray song.

Cate’s heart sank. She wasn’t a huge country music fan, but she knew this song. It was an old one...maybe even from her grandparents’ teenage years. And it had been played at a million wedding receptions.

When Harry pulled her close to his chest and wrapped his arms around her, Cate rested her cheek on his shoulder. The band’s vocalist had a mournful voice that matched the lyrics perfectly.

Cate tried to ignore the words, but every verse was a snapshot of her life in this moment. Nothing about losing Jason. But everything about falling for Harry. Itdidfeel right to be with him, even though she knew the relationship was all wrong. Harry hummed the melody, his lips in her hair.

He held her confidently. Their feet never stumbled once. It was as if they had been dancing together for a lifetime.

Cate steeled herself. She wouldn’t be swayed by the low lights and the romantic mood. Or the large man whose stance was protective.

She shouldn’t be surprised by his grace. It was the way he made love, too. As if he was moving to some unseen choreography.

How was a woman supposed to protect herself?

When the song ended, Cate headed for the table. The next tune was loud and fast. No scary romance.

Harry joined her. “You didn’t think I could keep up?”

“No, it’s me. My feet are tired.”


“I mightlooklike a chicken if I tried that,” she said, shaking her head ruefully. “Check out the crowd on the dance floor. They’re all under twenty or over seventy.”

Harry turned his head. “Well, you might be right.”

They stayed for a few more songs. Then Cate reluctantly put an end to the fun interlude. “We should give up our table. They told me all reservations were only for two hours. So they can get more people in and out.”

“Seems fair.” Harry paid the check.

After the press of people in the bar, even the summer night felt pleasant when they made it outside.

Cate glanced at her watch. “We’d better hurry.”

Harry matched pace. “Nowwill you tell me where we’re going?”

“Not yet.”

At the house they went inside to freshen up and grab water bottles. When they were back in the car, Cate muttered under her breath.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked.

“I forgot we’ll need something to sit on.”

“Folding chairs?”

“No. We’ll be on the ground.”

“I have a canvas tarp in the trunk. It’s fairly clean.”

“That will do.”

Harry pulled out of the driveway. Cate directed him down a series of back roads. He pointed at the clock on the dash. “It’s getting late. You don’t want to miss the highlight of the day.”