“Well, tomorrow has to be work. I want to clean the house from top to bottom.”

“Okay. And today?”

“We can enjoy ourselves.”

He took her wrist and reeled her in. “Defineenjoy.”

Her heartbeat sped up. “I assumed we would dothattonight.”

He chuckled. “Ordinary people have daytime sex. It’s not breaking the rules.”

When he nuzzled her neck, she inhaled sharply, realizing that if he tried, Harry could talk her into almost anything. “I’m not opposed to daytime sex in general...and I’m not a prude. But...”

He pressed a kiss below her ear. “But what?”

She laid her hand on his collarbone, petting him. “This connection between you and me isnew. I suppose I’m saying I want to take things slowly.”

Harry released her. He laughed and laughed and laughed some more until his eyes were wet and he could barely catch his breath.

Cate folded her arms and scowled. “I don’t see what’s so funny.”

He stared at her, grinning. “Were youtherelast night? In my bed? With me? We’d have to back up about a thousand steps if you want to take things slowly. The cat’s out of the bag. The horse has left the barn. Pandora’s box is open—”

She held up her hand to cut him off. “Okay. Okay. That’s enough. I take your point. Let me say what I really mean. Harry, I would be much morecomfortablepicking up where we left off if we wait until the end of the day.”

Her face was hot, but she couldn’t blame it on the weather.

His smile gentled. “To be clear, anything you want to do ornot dois okay by me. You have my word.”

“Thank you.”

“So if we’re not going to fool around, what do you have planned for our afternoon entertainment?”

“I thought we could go for a walk. Around town. It’s especially fun right now because there’s a lot of people and energy.” She bit her lip. “Unless you think your knee won’t be up to that much exercise.”

He rolled his eyes. “I think I can handle a gentle stroll without passing out on the sidewalk.”

“Excellent,” Cate said. “And then tonight, I’ll do all the work.”


Sometimes, getting the last word in was really, really fun. Harry’s mouth opened and shut like a dying fish.

She smiled at him. “Problem?”

“No, ma’am. Not a single one.”

When he still didn’t move, she leaned in and kissed him boldly, letting her tongue trace his lips and slide inside to duel with his. “Don’t people say anticipation is half the fun?”

“Stupid people do.” His disgruntled retort was perfection.

She hugged him. Pressing her cheek over the spot where his heart thumped was becoming a habit. “I like you, Prescott Harrington. I don’t care if youarea workaholic and a terrible patient, I like you.”

Harry returned the hug and stroked her hair. “Ditto, Catie-girl. But if we’re going to take things slow, you’d better get me out of this house.”

She assumed he was kidding until she glanced up and saw the expression in his eyes. The man was burning up from the inside out. For her.

Her legs wobbled, especially when he pressed even closer, and she felt the evidence of his desire.