“Ah. Okay.”

“You and I haven’t hung out together much in the last four or five years. I was busy being an annoying little twerp, and you had this fabulous life. I was jealous, and I made you miserable when I could.”

Cate smiled. “You’re not that bad, Becca. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“Well, here’s the thing. I did great in high school, really great. I’m a whiz at math. I’m super organized, and marketing was one of my favorite subjects. I’m also extremely trustworthy. I know it may not seem that way to you, but it’s true. You can ask any of my teachers.”

“What are you trying to say, Becca?”

Her sister straightened, a look of determination on her face. “Hire me to be your manager. It will keep Mom and Dad off my case for this first year. If I’m not good for your shop, you can fire me. But Iwillbe. I love stuff like that. I can live with Grammy and Grandpa in Blossom Branch. You can come and go knowing someone is on the ground steering the ship.”

“That’s a mixed metaphor, isn’t it?” Cate couldn’t help smiling at Becca’s enthusiasm.

“I’m dead serious. And I can start anytime. Heck, if I stay with the grandparents, you could pay me minimum wage until I prove myself.Please, Cate. I’m begging you. This could change my life.”

Cate was taken aback by Becca’s idea, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized it might work. Cate didn’t want to move permanently to Blossom Branch. If Becca helped get everything up and running, then Bex would know everything she needed to know. And once the store opened, Cate would have flexibility.

“I think it could work,” she said. “But give me a few days to think about it. I’m moving out of Grammy and Grandpa’s Saturday afternoon and coming back to Atlanta until I go back for the closing. Can we talk about this again Monday or Tuesday?”

Becca’s face fell. Clearly, she had been hoping for an unequivocal yes. “I suppose,” she said. “And of course we can talk about it again. If you have any questions, text me. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Do you have plans for the Fourth?”

“Several of my friends and I are spending the day at Lake Lanier. You know... Jet Skis, waterskiing. Soaking up the sun.”

“You’ll be careful?” Cate was suddenly anxious. Because of the span of years between them, it was hard not to think of Becca as a little kid.

Becca grinned. “Always.”

Cate left soon after, her brain analyzing the pros and cons of working with her sister. She had always wanted a closer relationship with her sibling. Now might be their chance.

Becca didn’t come outside this time. She waved from the door and presumably locked herself in.

For the past two hours, Cate had distracted herself with Becca’s unusual welcome and her interesting proposal. Now reality intruded.

Thinking about returning to Harry’s apartment tightened her stomach in a knot. In an instant, she knew she couldn’t do it. Before she could change her mind, she composed a text...

I’ve decided to drive on to Blossom Branch tonight. As far as Saturday goes, you can come or not come. It’s up to you. I need time to regroup and do some thinking...

She held the phone and stared at the curt words she had written. Would Harry hear the hurt she carried? The uncertainty about him? And her? And them together?

Quickly, she hit send before she could change her mind.

She had nothing with her. Not even a toothbrush. When she got to Blossom Branch, she would have to visit the twenty-four-hour pharmacy in town and buy a few necessities.

Her chest felt hollow. Not as bad as after the wedding, but still bad. Life was supposed to be moving forward, getting easier.

Why had she let herself fall under Harry’s spell?

As she started the car, her phone dinged.

Don’t leave. No more fighting. Come home. I need to know you’re safe.

The urgency in the text took her by surprise. Honestly, she thought he wouldn’t care one way or another. If she wasn’t ready to sleep with him, her presence in his home was an inconvenience. Right?

She weighed the strain of a late drive versus stepping back into the dragon’s lair. That was a whimsical way to think of Harry. He was dangerous and beautiful, and he breathed fire on occasion. But when she was with him, she always felt warm and secure.

Her finger hovered over the screen. She didn’t know how to answer.