Page 6 of It Had To Be You

When I rose Yvonne was standing in the doorway. She peered up at me, a curious look in her eyes. “You okay?”

“I’m good,” I replied, swallowing thickly and trying not to focus on how she folded her arms, pushing her tits together and drawing my gaze. “Here,” I went on, holding out the T-shirt and trying to stop ogling her cleavage. “For you to sleep in.”

“Oh, right. Thank you,” she said, taking it from me and holding it to her chest. She studied me then and I didn’t know what to say. Finally, Yvonne said, “I had so much fun tonight. I can’t remember the last time I just went out and enjoyed myself like that.”

Something warm filled my chest. “You know what? Me neither.”

“Are you a workaholic like me, Conor?” she asked, a small, inquisitive smile tugging at her lips.

I took a step closer, tilting my head. “Maybe a little bit.” I met her gaze and a thick, undefinable tension filled the space between us.

“Well, it’s official then,” she said, a playful glint in her eyes.

I pressed my lips together, resisting the urge to reach out a tuck the errant strand of hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear. “What is, baby?”

The endearment slipped out unbidden and Yvonne’s eyes flared as she stared up at me. Her cheeks reddened a little before she replied, “Um, just that we should go out like this more often. You, me, Dylan, Ev. I hadn’t realised how homesick I was until tonight, and you guys, you remind me of home. It’s…it’s nice.”

“I agree. It is nice. And weshoulddo this more often.” Losing the fight, I finally tucked that strand of hair behind her ear and heard a sharp inhale.

She turned her head, looking over her shoulder. “I should go check on Ev,” she said quietly before her eyes flicked to mine once more. “Sleep well, Conor.”

With that, she left and I retreated into my room, undressing and climbing into bed. A few minutes later Dylan came in, wordlessly climbing into the other side of the large king sized bed. I heard him blow out a long breath, could practically hear the frantic thoughts of Ev whirling around in his brain.

“You good?” I asked, staring up at the ceiling.

“Not really,” he grumped.

“Got it bad, huh?” I chuckled.

“That’s one way to put it.”

I patted him on the shoulder. “Get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Doubtful,” he replied then reached out to turn off the small lamp on the bedside dresser, plunging the room into darkness.

It took a while for me to fall asleep. I tossed and turned, my mind too full of Yvonne and all the ways she’d driven me to distraction tonight. I worried that unintentionally calling her ‘baby’ might’ve freaked her out, then stressed over how to fix the awkwardness before eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I was sharing breakfast with Dylan and Ev in the kitchen. Yvonne still hadn’t emerged. I sat by the window, fighting the instinct to go and check on her when I heard soft footsteps padding down the stairs. Yvonne appeared and something squeezed in my chest. She looked a little tired, yet so devastatingly pretty. Her face was clean of the makeup she’d worn last night, her pouty lips their natural light pink shade instead of red. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

Was this how she’d look in the mornings when she rolled over in bed and I pulled her into my arms, lazily kissing her neck and—

“Morning everyone,” she said, shuffling awkwardly from foot to foot and breaking me from my inappropriate thoughts of waking up with her in my bed.

I rose from the stool. “Yvonne. Let me make you something to eat,” I offered but she only shook her head.

“No, no, I need to get home and shower. I have work in a little while,” she replied, not meeting my gaze.

My chest deflated as I nodded. “Okay, well, I’ll call you a taxi then.”

“We can catch one on the street,” she said. “Are you ready to go, Ev?”

Ev shot her a curious look, clearly wondering why Yvonne was so eager to get going. I was curious about that, too, and wondered if maybe I’d done something wrong, come on too strong. No, that wasn’t right. I’d flirted with her, but it wasn’t like I’d laid it on thick.

“Sure, just let me grab my bag,” Ev replied.

Ev left the room and Yvonne finally looked my way. She didn’t say anything and Dylan obviously sensed the tension when he said, “Are you sure you don’t want any breakfast, Yvonne? It’s no trouble.”

She brought her attention to him. “That’s very kind of you, Dylan, but no. I’m not much of a breakfast person and I really do need to get ready for work.”