Page 57 of Addicted to You

He smiles. “Then I wouldn’t be doing my job.”

I see Claude approaching us. The Frenchman breaks into a broad grin. “Welcome back, Miss Foster!” His accent is a delight as always.

“Everything looks lovely,” I tell him as Tony takes his leave, “How is it going?”

Claude gives an exaggerated shrug. “What can I say? It is a delight to see your lovely face.”

He starts to lead me towards the elevators and I follow him, looking around. “I’m sure things are hectic.”

“Insane,” he agrees with a nod. “But Mr. Court is here, so he solves problems as soon as they occur. He has instructed that I attend to your every need, so let me know if there’s anything you require.”

“Nothing at the moment.”

He nods. The elevator opens directly into one of the penthouse suites. Claude stays to give directions to the bell boy while I go to the balcony to admire the view.

“Would you like lunch sent up?” Claude is hovering.

“No,” I already ate something light on the plane. “Don’t worry about me, I’m sure you have a lot to do.”

He nods and leaves me. I fetch myself a glass of juice from the kitchen in the suite, when I return to the balcony, my phone is ringing. It’s Landon again.

“Are you settled in?”

“Yes,” I smile. “The hotel is beautiful, Landon.”

He sighs. “Thank you.”

“Where are you?” I ask.

“Downstairs,” he pauses. “Do you have everything you need?”

“Yes!” I laugh. “Everybody keeps asking me that.”

I hear him breathe. “I want to see you,” he says. “I have the press conference in about half an hour. After that, I’m coming to you.”

“Are you sure you have the time,” I ask, even though I want nothing more than to see him.

“I’ll make it,” he says determinedly. “I’m so fucking hot for you.”

I pull in a breath, instantly responding to his desire. He’s not done, “Just so you know, I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll feel it for days.”

My body clenches in arousal. “You have a hotel to open.” I tease, breathless, “and homeless people to raise money for. Are you sure you should be thinking about sex at a time like this?”

“Can you blame me?” He laughs. “I have a hard-on just from the knowledge that you’re here, and it’s not going anywhere until you take me inside your hot, delicious pussy.”

A small moan escapes my lips. I love it when he talks like that, about the things he plans to do to me. “You’re making me so hot.”

“Stay that way. I’ll be with you as soon as I can manage it.”

When our conversation is over. I go to the main bedroom in the suite. My things have been unpacked in the walk-in closet, beside Landon’s clothes. In the bathroom, his brands of toiletries are placed alongside mine. I freshen up, loving the feeling that our lives are intersected, that we’re a real couple.

Back in the living room, I switch on the TV and flip through the channels. I doze off while listening to the local news, then wake up when I hear Landon’s voice.

I see his face on the TV. He’s answering a question, his self-assurance and confidence, coupled with his fierce masculine beauty, hypnotic to watch.

Most of the questions are expected. How does it feel to add a new hotel to your brand? etc. etc.? Landon replies them, inserting a joke here and there, deftly putting everyone at ease.

“How are you dealing with the rumors about your unlawful acquisition of property?”