“Morning, Barrett!” she greets cheerfully.
Barrett nods. “Morning, Miss Odette.”
Ette laughs as she skips down the steps. “I told you that makes me feel like I’m about to be told off.”
Barrett walks to the side of the car and opens the door. “Which is precisely why I do it.”
Ette climbs inside and slides the seatbelt over her chest as Barrett shuts the door.
“You know, you don’t need to drive her to school each morning,” I say. “I’m quite capable of doing it.”
“I know.” He winks. “But I like it. Gives me a chance to catch up with her each day.” He tilts his head, peering over at me. “And you.”
He’s standing with his hand on the handle, but he doesn’t open the door. It’s like he’s waiting for something. Or maybe he wants to say something.
“Did you get everything settled in the city the other day?” A faint blush of color creeps over his cheeks.
I bite back my smile. “Yes. Jericho and I have officially filed for divorce. It might not even take two years, you know, due to the circumstances.” I shrug. I don’t like to talk about it. I prefer to look forward, not back.
“Suppose it makes sense.” He looks at the ground as he speaks. “Give both of you the chance to move on with your lives now that things are more settled.” Barrett peers up, squinting into the sun.
“What about you? Have you decided what you’re going to do?” I ask after a few seconds of awkward silence.
“I heard they were looking for security here at the Sanctuary, so I thought I might just stay here. What do you think?”
The car window rolls down. “Come on, Barrett! I’m going to be late for school,” Ette whines.
I reach out and rest my hand on his shoulder. Apart from my self-defense lessons, it’s the closest contact I’ve shown any man. “I think that would be nice. You know, if it’s something you want to do. I’d imagine it will be a little different than your security role with Jericho.”
He chuckles. “That’s what I’m hoping.”
I let my hand drop. “Will you come get me before you collect Ette from school? I’d like to come for the ride if it’s not too much hassle.”
“You’re never a hassle.”
“Barrett!” Ette moans.
“I’m coming. I’m coming.” He opens the door. “I’ll see you later.” It’s said as more of a question than a statement. I nod, letting the slightest smile cross my lips.
“Bye Mum!” Ette shouts as they reverse down the driveway. “I’ll see you later!”
And I wave back, safe in the knowledge that she will.
Berkley lies beside me, one hand flung over her head, the other resting on her chest as though she’d somehow swooned when she got into bed. Her hair is spread over the pillow. There’s a faint smile on her lips. She’s wearing the same threadbare t-shirt she’s always worn and it’s twisted about her body, exposing the lines of her collarbones. She lies still, the gentle rise and fall of her chest the only motion to her body.
I always wake before her. Even during the months my body was healing, I’d wake early just to watch her sleep. It’s the only time I get to see her motionless. Unless, of course, there are other restraints that ensure her stillness.
We moved into my apartment in the city not long after her return. I told her it was to avoid the hassle of the renovations, but that was a lie. Here, I have her all to myself. Here, I can ensure her safety. Here, there is no ex-wife, no mother, no Ette, no Gideon, no Barrett, no Mrs Bellamy, no Alma.
It’s just us.
After waiting what seems like an entirely for her to wake, I reach out and trail my finger along her collarbones. Her movements lazy with slumber, her body searches for mine, shuffling across the mattress, and curling into me. Her head comes to rest on my chest and she lets out a contented sigh. Her leg hooks over my thigh and her hand drapes over my waist. My body responds instantly to the feel of her flesh pressed against mine.
My desire for her is insatiable. It’s as though my body craves her. I feel restless unless I’m around her. Unsettled unless I can feel her close. I wake in the middle of the night and pull her to me. I reach for her during the day, needing the feel of her skin under mine. My mind gets caught on all the things I want to teach her. All the sensations she’s yet to experience. Despite all we’ve been through, I buzz with the excitement that this is only the beginning of us.
Placing my hand on her hip, I bunch the material of her t-shirt between my fingers, pulling it up her thigh until bare skin is beneath my touch.