Miss Jones looks at me as though I’ve done something other than my job as a dance tutor. “Master Gideon was looking for you earlier. It seems as though having one man in this household twisted around your finger isn’t enough.” My mouth drops open as Miss Jones strides past me and grabs Ette’s hand, pulling her from the room. “Perhaps it’s time you consider moving on. You’ve done quite enough here, don’t you think?”
I’m still a little shocked as the door slams shut. After a few beats to recover myself, I jerk the door open, determined to give Miss Jones a piece of my mind, but instead I find Gideon striding down the passageway.
“There you are,” he exclaims. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“So I’ve been told,” I mutter, peering behind Gideon so I can at least level a laser-eyed glare at Miss Jones’s retreating back.
Gideon saunters past me and into the studio. He looks around, leveling his gaze at the ceilings and walls as though inspecting the place. He gives himself a wink when he catches his reflection in the mirror.
“Look, now’s not a great time for me.”
Gideon raises his brows. “Are you expecting another student?” He grins and runs his tongue over his teeth. “What about me?” He performs some sort of wobbly pirouette and then bows deeply.
“What do you want, Gideon?”
“You really are in quite the mood today, aren’t you?”
I just cross my arms, jut my hip to the side and look at him expectantly.
“Fine.” He lowers himself to the ground, flopping down to lie on his side, his head propped up on his hand. “I was just wondering what sort of secret mission Jericho was on, since you seem to be in the know these days.”
“Well, I’m not.”
“You’re not what?”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not in the know.”
“So, you don’t know about this little mission he and Barrett are on?”’
“No, I don’t. All he said was something about playing a few hands so I’m guessing it has to do with the club in the city. Maybe a poker game or something he has to attend.”
“But you’re not sure?”
“I’ve already told you that.”
Gideon picks up a stray piece of fluff from the wooden floor. “So you don’t think it has anything to do with your friend? The one who had Hope?”
I level my gaze at him.
He shrugs. “It’s just interesting is all.”
I take the bait. “What’s interesting?”
“You’re the daughter of the man who kept Hope for years. He sells her and guess who she turns up with? Someone you’re rather close with from all accounts.”
“Perhaps that has more to do with the fact that his father is also Ette’s father. Something I had nothing to do with, just like I had nothing to do with her involvement with my father.”
Gideon jumps to his feet and wipes his hands together. “Interesting way of wording it. Involvement with your father.” He snorts. “Like it was a choice.”
“What are you trying to get at, Gideon?” Frustration leaks into my tone.
“I’m not trying to get at anything. I was merely asking questions. Let me know if you hear from your friend again, like ever.” He strolls past me with a smirk. “Have a good day.”
My stomach is growling by the time dinner comes around but instead of joining the others, I head outside, not caring when the rain drenches my clothing. I run through the garden and make my way to the gazebo on the edge of the pond. It’s peaceful here. The rain pelts down like a blanket, cutting off the gazebo from the rest of the world. Occasionally lightning strikes, flooding everything in light and then the thunder starts to rumble. It’s so loud it reverberates through me.
I can’t stop thinking about Dominic. What he did and the person I know simply don’t match up in my head. Dominic was kind; sarcastic, but kind. He would never want to harm Hope, I just know it. I wish I could talk to him, find out exactly what he did to her while she was locked away in the bunker on their property.