I only make it a few more meters before an arm snags around my waist and I tumble to the ground. Michael falls on top of me, wrestling as I attempt to fight him off. He sits over my hips and I try to pound my knees against his back, but he doesn’t budge. He manages to grab both my wrists, pinning them to the ground above my head.
Michael’s face twists into a cruel smirk as he glares down at me. “This is fun,” he slurs. “I think I like it.”
I keep fighting, keep writhing and twisting beneath him, but he’s too strong and has the advantage of being on top. Leaning down, he plants his mouth on mine, laughing once again as I try to twist away from him.
“Stay still!” he orders.
I don’t. I keep struggling. Yanking my hands down to my sides, he traps them with his knees, before reaching behind, and yanking at my tights.
“Michael, no. Michael, please stop. Think about what you’re doing. Who you’re doing it to.”
But he’s deaf to my words, tearing holes in my tights as he rips them down.
“Michael, please,” I beg as the tears begin to fall. “This isn’t who you are.”
“It’s who you think I am!” he roars. “Maybe it’s in your blood to like it this way. Maybe that’s what your father passed onto you. A love of depravity.”
“Stop!” I scream. “I don’t want this! I don’t want you!”
He’s managed to rip away my tights enough for me to be exposed beneath the skirts of my tutu.
“Stop fighting!” He lifts a hand and slaps it across my face. I barely feel the sting.
“We’re friends, Michael! I’m not some nameless plaything for you to do whatever you want with. It’s me, Michael. It’s Everly. We’ve been friends for years. You were my first love.”
“I know who the fuck you are! And I’ve given you every opportunity to come to me willingly, but you keep fighting me.” He leans down low to hiss in my ear. “So now I’ll give it to you the way you’ve been asking for it all along. The way I know that deep down you want it.”
Coldness washes over me. He isn’t fooling around. He isn’t doing this to scare me, or teach me a lesson. This time he means it.
“Is this how your fucking Priest did it? Is that why you fell for him? Because he didn’t ask? Because he fought you for it?” His laughter fills the air as I buck and wrestle beneath him. He fumbles with the buttons of his pants, freeing his cock. “Look at me, Ev. I’m so fucking hard.”
Involuntarily, my eyes fall to where his cock pulses, red and angry just like the monster who owns it.
“It’s all for you, baby.” He grunts as he pushes himself against me, grappling with the layers of tulle.
Tears fall down my cheeks freely. I stop wrestling. I stop fighting. I look up at the sky, tracing the patterns of the stars as he fumbles, plunging his fingers against me.
“That’s my girl,” he says in a hushed whisper. “You know this has to happen. You know you’re mine. There’s no point in fighting.”
My body is numb. I no longer feel his hands on my flesh. His cock feels like nothing as it pushes against the side of my thigh.
Directing my gaze back downward, I look into his eyes. Those brilliant blue eyes. So cold. So cruel. He sneers, as he prepares himself to push inside.
Then his head jerks backward by fingers fisted in his hair. Something gleams, capturing the light of the moon and then a warm spray covers my face, neck and chest.
Blood gushes.
It gets in my hair, my eyes, my mouth.
His body is tossed aside, the weight of it gone as I scramble across the grass, gasps of shock falling from my mouth.
I taste his blood.
I gag.
Wiping my face, I desperately try to rid myself of his blood.