“That’s what I said. It seems stupid that you’re all cramped inside that kitchen when there’s plenty of room out here.”
Berkley catches my eye, one brow raising slightly while a smile creeps over her face. Mrs Bellamy is too shocked to do anything, so Berkley gets to her feet.
“I’ll go get them, Mr Priest.” And she says it that way again. That way that causes my cock to twitch.
I sit down.
“Well, well, my brother.” Gideon paces behind me. “What’s behind this sudden change?”
I ignore him as the staff enter. They look a little bewildered when Mrs Bellamy ushers them into seats. All I want is a shield covering the insanity of my brother. A cushion. Something to make him stop talking.
It doesn’t work. His gaze sweeps between Berkley and me. I know because she keeps her eyes firmly on her plate as though her food holds a certain fascination.
Gideon looks around the staff. “Have you fucked all of them now?”
My rage rises. Berkley’s eyes dart to mine. The rest of the staff keep their heads down, slowly lifting mouthfuls of food.
Gideon leans across the table. He lifts a hand to the side of his mouth as if telling a secret, but he doesn’t lower his voice. “Did you at least tell her you were married before you fucked her?”
There’s nothing but silence. Berkley freezes. She blinks once and then her gaze turns to me.
“Oops.” Gideon covers his mouth. “Did I say that out loud? My bad.”
Berkley’s eyes grow wide. I can see the thoughts racing across her mind. “Married?” Her voice breaks on the word.
Gideon snorts. “Who did you think Hope was?”
Berkley’s eyes never move from mine. “Your wife?” she says. “Hope is your wife?”
Quiet chatter ripples through the staff, raised eyebrows, whispered accusations. I clear my throat, attempting to reassure her.
“It’s not what you think.”
Her devastation is clear.
“Oh my god,” Gideon laughs. “You did let him fuck you.” He leans forward, elbow on the table, propping his head on his fist. “This will be good.”
“I think we should all go to the kitchen,” Mrs Bellamy says. “Come on, Ette. Let’s go.”
“But I want to know what’s happening,” Ette cries. “Is Mr Priest angry at Gideon because he swore?”
“Yes,” Mrs Bellamy ushers her into the kitchen. “You know that’s a bad word to say.”
Berkley gets to her feet. Her eyes are downcast, refusing to look at me. “Excuse me,” she says.
“Berkley,” I reach for her, but she brushes past me. “Berkley!” There are tears in her eyes as she runs out the door.
I storm over to Gideon, grabbing him by the throat and ramming him against the wall. “What the fuck did you do that for?”
He laughs until he starts spluttering. I tighten my grip, watching his face as it reddens.
“Mr Priest!” Mrs Bellamy says sharply, but all I’m focused on is the rage I feel toward my brother. “Mr Priest!” Her hands are tearing at me now, pulling me away from Gideon. I fall back, my chest heaving.
“Don’t think it’s the end of this!” I spit at Gideon.
He slumps to the ground, hand massaging the flesh of his neck. I turn and rip open the door, flinging myself up the stairs toward Berkley’s room. Her door is shut. I’m about to barge in but I stop myself. I pound on her door instead, barely controlling my desperation.