Page 10 of The Easter Hunt


I’ve been here maybe a week now. I can’t remember. I lose track of the days. Most of the time I’ve been free inside the cell. Matsumoto releases a gas from tubes in the ceiling that knocks me out long enough that he can chain or unchain me as he wills. I guess he knows I’m in here for a while and he doesn’t want me stinking up the place. This guy is all about personal hygiene.

There’s a shower, sink, and toilet over to one side so I can stay reasonably clean. And I get two meals a day. It’s not the Ritz, but I’m not complaining. Unlike me, Matsumoto Junior doesn’t seem to have a taste for torture. At least not of men. Unless he just wants to keep a clean canvas for the main event.

He does seem to like psychological torture though, because when I’m chained, he enjoys telling me in minute detail the evil horrifying shit he plans to do to Mina when she arrives. And he leaves the cell door open to taunt me with the freedom I can’t have.

Right now is one of those moments. I’m chained, Matsumoto stands here like the smug motherfucker he is. I’ve had my daily shower and first meal. My captor looks more on edge than normal, as though he’s anticipating something. I can guess what he’s anticipating.

“She won’t come,” I say. “In the first place, she can’t get out of the house. How would she get keys to a car? She has a security bracelet that won’t allow her off the property… and even if she could get out, she wouldn’t, she’s smart. She knows you’d never let me go. You let me go and you’re a dead man, do you hear me, motherfucker?”

Matsumoto just smiles. But he isn’t looking at me. “And yet… here she is.”

No. No. No. No. No!

I can’t bring myself to look at the door because I know what I’ll find. All I can do is scream No over and over in my mind. I can’t even get my vocal cords to work right now.

Finally I manage to choke out the words. “Mina, why? Why would you come for me?”

“You know why.”

She’s wearing a Black corset that pushes her tits up high. The corset has pale blue ribbons. Black lace panties. Garter belt, stockings, high heels. If she were to turn around, I know there would be those perfect seams down the back of her perfect legs.

“Turn, and let me see you,” Matsumoto says as if wishing to confirm this thought for himself. He rotates his finger in the air. He is so fucking smug, and I want to rip his throat out with my teeth. I want to drink his blood down like a vampire or wild animal. I want to hold his beating heart in my hand, and watch it stop. I want him to watch it stop.

Every violent fantasy I’ve ever held, crystallizes in this one moment and flashes through my mind like the highlight reel of one’s life at the moment of death.

I see the shock in her face. She thought what I thought, that she’d be dealing with the man who held her captive and tortured her. And yet still, she came.

“Not what you were expecting, Mina?” he says, so proud of himself for pulling off this lie.

She turns slowly in a circle, giving Matsumoto The Sequel a good look at her. But she doesn’t look afraid. She looks… angry.

“Is this what you want, you piece of shit? Me, for Brian?”

He laughs. “Well, you are quite beautiful. My father always had excellent taste when it came to that, but you are also quite stupid if you think I would ever be foolish enough to release a rabid animal who’d rip me apart the second he got free. Do you really imagine he’d ever leave you here with me? He’d never accept such a trade. The poor fool loves you.”

I don’t even bother to contradict this, I just look at her, like the greedy asshole I am because whatever is about to happen next, I can’t let my mind go there. I struggle again in the shackles, but it doesn’t matter.

I don’t love Mina in some romance hero way. I’m not sure what we share could ever be deemed love to a normal person. We are both too broken to ever be able to have that bright shiny clean beautiful thing sonnets are written about. But she is the air I breathe.

“So,” our piece of shit captor says conversationally, “I’m trying to decide what will be the most satisfying. Mina, maybe you can help me decide. Should I fuck you in front of your lover, and let him see my triumph, or should I just go ahead and kill him in front of you, and then take my prize? I think fucking me while covered in the blood of your old master should drive home who you now truly belong to. We don’t take kindly to theft in my family.”

“Kill me and let her go,” I say. “You don’t want your father’s sloppy seconds. She’s a terrible lay. I keep her around because she’s just such a sad little pathetic puppy, so eager to do my will.”

When I look at Mina, she’s not looking at me, she’s looking at Matsumoto with pure vengeance in her gaze. Why didn’t she bring weapons? Why? How could she do this? I expected to see hurt from my words, but she knows what I’m doing. This is all just to hurt me, to punish me. If I can get him to kill me, maybe he’ll let Mina go. After all, he doesn’t truly want her. He can have any woman he wants. Mina will lose her appeal to him the second the light goes out of my eyes.

I want to believe this. I want to believe it so much I’m willing to lie to myself, something I very rarely do. But deep down I know he won’t let her go. I know if he kills me, her last chance in this world is gone. Sacrificing myself for her is not some noble act. It’s the coward’s way because I can’t stand to watch her be hurt. I can’t live knowing I’ve failed her in such a complete way, that my entire life has led up to this one crucial moment of failure.

Nothing that has happened up to this point matters now, because I have ruined her. It would have been better if I’d never come into her life.

He draws a gun, and Mina freezes for a moment, her breath stopping for a split second before she remembers how to keep herself alive once again.

“Or… here’s an idea…” Matsumoto says… “I could shoot your lover so that he won’t die immediately and then fuck you while he bleeds out. It’s the best of both worlds. What do you think, My Love?”

I’m surprised she hasn’t turn and run. But we both know there’s a guard outside this door. Junior here may not have the full-service level of protection he’d otherwise have, but still, one strong man is enough given my state and Mina’s helplessness. Once she came in, she sealed her fate. I pull again at the shackles as though I could break solid metal. I can’t let this happen.

I want to scream at her. I want to kill her. I want to punish her. How could she betray us like this? Coming here. She has to know I can’t be saved. We can’t be saved. She should have let me die here and stayed safe at the house. She has to know it’s what I would want. And yet she defied me by coming here.