“I’m sure they would.”
“Professor emeritus status would keep you in the scene without all the work attached.”
Rush nods, leaning back against the counter. Shaking his head, he sets down his glass.
“I like the work,” he says. “That’s why I do it. If I wanted someone else to run my school, I’d have hired someone decades ago.”
Yeah, of course. He gets to choose who receives a scholarship and who doesn’t. He can weed out applicants who don’t follow his vision.
“Let me ask you,” he says. “How do you know your relationship with Gwen will be any different from the others? You’ve let a few go. What makes Gwen different?”
I can’t answer him.
Yes, there’s an obvious answer: artistically, she’s unique. She wants to learn from Alistair Rat. How could I turn her down? However, that’s not the real reason I need her. I’d happily teach her even if our relationship was strictly platonic. She inspires me, she challenges me. She knows me better than anyone, even though we haven’t known each other for very long. I told her my true identity because my instinct told me to trust her. Wherever this is leading, I’ll follow it through.
Rush wouldn’t understand that.
“She hated me long before we ever met. She avoided taking my classes on purpose,” I explain. “Look how far we’ve come since. That’s special. After Chloe left, I told myself if I had another chance I wouldn’t have let her go. I’m not going to make the same mistake with Gwen.”
Sighing, Rush steps close. He’s lost his mirth, the thrill of victory. He did want me to stay, for me to choose him and his school over her, and he thought I would. This will be one of the rare times he doesn’t get what he wants, and he’s not enjoying it.
“Has it occurred to you she could be playing you, Lane?” he asks. “Entrapping you through your base desires so she can use you?”
I hold back a laugh.
“For what?”
Rush shrugs.
“I don’t know. This, perhaps. Maybe she wanted to get you fired, since you’re so sour on her artistic idol.”
“That’s psychotic.” I say.
“We get our share of troubled individuals here.”
“You’re reaching.”
“If you say so. Devotees of Alistair Rat have utter contempt for you, Lane. How can the two of you possibly get along?”
He could make the leap, with the right train of thought. As Doyle wrote,When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.What better answer to this mystery?
“A little disagreement keeps things interesting,” I chuckle. “We both want to convince each other we’re right. Until one of us succeeds, we have a reason to stick together.”
Rush rolls his eyes and his jaw hangs open.
“You’re both ridiculous,” he says.
“No argument there. So, do we have a deal? Step down and your secrets stay secret.”
I almost expect him to budge. He has more to lose than me or Gwen, he has to recognize that. I like teaching at his school, but I can live without it. I care far more about Gwen and Alistair Rat, and he can’t take either of those away from me.
“No,” he says at last. “No deal, Lane. You were supposed to be my successor, not Tichenor or Vina, but I’ll find someone else, eventually. Until then, I’m staying. If you attempt to defame me, I’ll make sure the media portrays you as a disgruntled former employee with an axe to grind, then sue you. No one will believe you.”
“I guess we’ll see-”
“And do your girlfriend a favor and tell her to watch out. If she pulls any of this stupid Internet street art bullshit, she’s out. If she lets out one word of your relationship, I’ll expel her immediately. I should kick her out now, just as punishment for ruining your career.”