I reach into my pocket and find a scrap of paper. I unfold it and show Joel and Martin.
“This is Mundell’s vacation home. I’m going there, now.”
“Wait!” Joel says, stepping between me and the exit. “How do we know you’re telling the truth? You could try to flee the country, for all we know.”
That’s fair. They don’t know me like Gwen does.
“I’ll tell you something, but you’re not going to believe it,” I say, tearing off a piece of the paper. Finding a pen, I write down the password to my PC and hand it to Joel. “Gwen isn’t just my girlfriend, she’s my student — because I’m Alistair Rat. This will get you into my computer. You’ll find the evidence to prove I’m not lying.”
I push to move past them, but Joel grabs my wrist.
“Stop! If you’re serious, then that’s great and all, but that doesn’t prove you love her. How do we know for sure?”
“Because I’d rather get arrested for the shit I’ve done than risk losing Gwen. I’d rather never make a piece of art again if it means she can. If she never wants to see me again after this, I’ll understand completely. I’ve spent my life hiding behind a character, but her first instinct was to be herself for the world to see — she’s braver than me, braver than anyone I’ve ever known. She challenges authority and stays true to herself. She’s selfless, putting her friends’ needs above hers. She came from nothing but still found a way to chase her dreams. I love her because she’s an inspiration not just to me, but to everyone who meets her.”
Joel and Martin nod to themselves, holding each other’s hands.
“If I know her, right now she’s resisting — she’s fighting, even if she’s scared. She’s counting on us to find her, and if the situation was reversed, she’d be out there looking for us.”
Martin leans into Joel and whispers something.
“Yeah, same,” Joel replies. To me, he says, “What can we-”
Three booming knocks sound off from the front door.
“This is the NYPD, open up!” someone shouts from outside.
“Rush must have called in a tip,” I say. “Can you two distract them?”
“How?” Joel asks.
“Tell them you came here looking for Gwen. The door was open so you came in, but no one was here. Do not tell them about Rush, not yet.”
“What? Why not?”
The knocking comes again, even louder this time.
“Because if Rush is devious enough to do all this, he’s careful enough to make sure there won’t be anything to find if the cops come looking. Gwen’s best chance is if Rush thinks he’s free and clear. Look, it’ll take two hours to drive up there. Give me three, then tell them everything.” I grab Gwen’s purse and fish out her phone. “Keep this. I’ll call you with updates. I have to go.”
Joel gasps, sweat dripping down his forehead.
“She’s going to be fine,” I tell them as I run. “I promise.”
“You better be right!” Joel calls after me.
Yeah, I know.
I race upstairs and reach the hatch to the ceiling. Clutching Gwen’s purse’s strap in my teeth, I climb the ladder and push the door open, then scale my way through onto the building’s roof. Peering over the edge, I spot two cruisers parked on the street. Walkie-talkie chatter squawks up from below.
When Rush called them, he had to have been vague — like he heard a struggle or saw something strange. If he told them something only the guilty party would know, it would be obvious I was being framed.
I have my opening. Careful to be quiet, I cross to the other side of the roof, then check the cross street below — it’s clear. Hurrying, I climb down the fire escape, all the way to the ground. Pulling out my phone, I dial Rory and start walking fast.
“Hey,” he says, picking up on the first ring. “What happened the other night? I thought you’d call sooner.”
“I’ll tell you later. I need your help, right now. Gwen is in danger and the police will be looking for me. Come pick me up. I’ll text you an address near the studio.”