Page 9 of Make Me Scream

“No, I guess not,” I say, forcing my expression to stay neutral.

“Care for a drink?” he asks, offering me one of the glasses.

I hesitate.

“You’re twenty-one, right?”

Again, I don’t answer right away.

He winks.

“I won’t tell anyone, in case you’re worried. I’m not a bouncer.”

“Honestly, I’m not much of a drinker.”

He smiles and sets the extra glass aside.

“Fair enough.”

I try to think of an excuse to leave before he can flirt some more, but my mind goes blank when I meet his eyes.

“I’m sure I’ve seen you before. Are you a Mundell student?” he asks, turning back to “Rat Race.”

“I am.”

Toy cars run over flat, plastic people and continue on, ready for another loop.

“First year?”


I wish he’d take the hint and leave me alone. Or, I wish I could summon the nerve to really let loose.

Fuck it.

I grab the champagne glass and take a sip. It’s strong, making me cough, but it tastes good.

“What’s your name?” Porter asks.


“That’s pretty. Adjusting to city life okay?”


“What makes you think I’m adjusting to anything?”

He looks me up and down quickly.

“An educated guess. Most of Mundell’s students are here on scholarships from all around the country, and maybe it’s my imagination, but you still have the look of someone who hasn’t witnessed something unspeakable on the L train.”

I snort, despite myself. Once I saw a homeless man pissing in a corner at Astor Place, but that’s it.

“I’m from Ohio, and I’m doing just fine, thanks.”

“What are you studying?”

“Illustration. I’d like to write graphic novels.”